An Amazing Brain Adventure
is a
THREE PART feature film-
part documentary, fable, music, and fun.
It illustrates things about
the human brain, you will not see anywhere else.
The main feature, Mirror,
is about
a very special girl who
FIXES things and CREATES things with her
Ah-Mig Doll-Ah.
Updated July 24, 2005

is a REALLY unique film, nothing else quite like it out there, both in terms of
presentation, story, technical and artistic expression.
"Reality is a
is a very special girl who seemingly and unexplainably fixes things and creates
things from nothing and from useless junk and trash. She wears a mysterious
pendant around her neck, her Ah-Mig Doll-Ah, named after the actual
little master click switch in the human brain, the amygdala. This switch
turns on either primitive reptilian reactive non-thinking fight or flight core
brain behaviors or allows advanced creative-cooperative frontal lobes processes
to occur. And in Mirror’s case, perhaps quite a bit more…
all-ages movie comes from an original story written over twenty years ago, long
before the fad of kids doing magic became a pop phenomenon.
(60 minutes) movie is the main part of the DVD- but the shorter bonus features
also touch upon the story in one way or another, and clue you in to deeper
secrets in the film. The Original Mirror Story
(45 minutes) is
a DVD audio book story goes into great details about Mirror's past and
alternative history. Fun with Fred (20
minutes) is
a humorous look into brain and behavior potential and the directors personal
history leading up to this film. And,
The Erfie and The Chloe Show (5 minute short) -well,
dogs and music, goofy stuff- all frontal lobes material the brain loves.
the film itself has three alternative
(2.5 hours) director commentaries
on Audio Tracks #2 and #4 that took at
great depth into the story behind the story, potential interpretations of the
film, and some technical notes. An additional compressed 'Steady Volume"
full audio track is supplied as audio track 3 for noisy environments and
portable players. This is a PROGRESSIVE, full 24 frame
per second DVD (like projected film), if your player allows this special
There is nearly FIVE
HOURS hours of total content on the DVD to explore over and over.
a stimulating puzzle and a riddle for your frontal lobes. This story runs very
deep, and it is a highly VISUAL adventure. Most of the human brain involves
non-verbal processes so WATCH carefully. Every scene has lots in it, blink and
you'll miss something. Figure out what it reflects for you. That will be the
biggest reward; when you took into the MIRROR of your own mind and brain for
meaning and relevance. Watch the film without the commentary, then view again
and listen to the commentary audio tracks- you'll be amazed at what you discover
you may have missed.
This film is supplementary to the basic HOW TO DO BRAIN SELF-CONTROL Books and
Music found on the main order page.
But what GREAT supplementary material it is!!
You may now get a
copy at
or order right here, right now- $10.93 , $1 shipping US (International
please note: This DVD is NTSC all regions, International post added, our actual
cost only)
What a deal!
Paypal, Visa, or Mastercard--
Absolutely Secure Online Order
Below: On our first day of shooting in the Mt. Evans Wilderness "Enchanted
Forest"... Emily holding one of our new film frame-rate cameras and also
one of her soon to be transformed treasures. Here the trees are 1500 years
old, no kidding...
"Mirror In The Mirror", Day three of shooting: We could tell you
what is going on here, but that would spoil the adventure...
While you're here, Please join our
Mind Movie Discussion Group!
The above discussion is an open ended discussion group for the Mirror Brain Adventure Movie and related topics touched upon in the film.
"Mirror" is a film that deals with brain, brain self-control, psychology, as well as alternative realities, ESP, telepathy,
telekinesis, paranormal abilities and related subjects. Technical video and film
topics, such as editing, camera work, photography, and production may also be discussed.
An Amazing
Brain Adventure
Having been a student of film since I was 5 years old, and a screenwriter myself for the past twenty, I found Mirror to be a very provocative film. Why provocative? Because unlike many films I view, this one made me think! I find that very appealing in any film. Many films on the market today have just the entertainment value attached. I can usually go to a film and within the first thirty minutes discover the meaning and the ending. That’s sad not only for the storyteller but for all of us.
We all know the brain can tackle many difficult tasks, yet today it still remains a mystery to most of us. The compilation contained within this amazing brain adventure is just that…. AMAZING! You have managed to unlock our creativity with yours. Not only did it compete for my thought process, the cinema photography contained within this film I felt to be outstanding for not being a major studio undertaking.
The story, commentary and characters, I found not only to be exceptional quality, but people I would love to spend time with…. a welcome addition to any film.
Finally a film you can watch over and over and get a new meaning with every viewing. A film that I wished would never end.
In my mind you have scored a success with Mirror! I can’t wait for your next outing to appear.
James O’Brien Mullica
Screenwriter, Businessman, and Movie Enthusiast
* * *
back indoors and couldn't resist putting Mirror on my computer's DVD
player even though I was not sure I'd have time to watch it all. Some
synchronicity at work here: yesterday evening the tools appeared (thanks
to my wife) which enabled me to fix the sound system on my computer
which had been out of action for the last two months.
The Prelude is a delightful surprise and alone was worth the price of
the DVD. Plenty of amygdala clicks going on whilst I was watching this.
Particularly good to see the footage of T.D.A. Lingo and the Dormant
Brain Research and Development Laboratory.
Then the main feature. WOW! Sat there with a smile on my face and my
brain clicking all the way through it. Neil, it's AWESOME: gorgeously
shot, beautifully sound tracked, and Mind-Blowing in concept. Will set
aside some time this weekend to see it again, but this time on my TV and
DVD player.
Congratulations and thanks again.
-Laurie" *
* *
movie reminds us to see the “Magical” side of life. Mirror shows
treasures are created from seemingly mundane things and moments when
clicked forward with positive intension. “Child Play” life is not
just fun, you can take it to the bank!
Great movie to watch with friends,
because it inspires frontal lobes thought, and conversation! An
interesting question to play with after the movie is, “how many
watchers are there with the big binoculars?”
Watch without the Audio Commentary
first, then with. There is meaning to every part of the movie, and it
reminds us to train our minds to notice everything.
It is not necessary but reading or
listening to “Mirror” in Frontal Lobes Supercharge may enhance the
experience. [Note: This is now included in the DVD, and it's nearly a
completely different additional 42 minute story].
Cover for DVD just being a
“Mirror” is very cool.
Sounds and soundtrack are really
really great. End of credits very funny. [Make
sure and wait till ALL the credits are done- there's a surprise].
Great Bike! Great old truck!"
Simpson, Boulder Colorado, IBM
* *
"Watched Mirror-
WOW. Very moving."
Best, Amy **
* *
have just received the book "Brain Magic" and love the DVD
Mirror An Amazing Brain Adventure... I have dissolved clouds and made
perfect circles within them I couldn't contain myself . Thank you and
thank you again for Mirror. - Leland Miller
* *
Neil, I really like the film. It
is different, fresh, natural, and beautiful. It makes you think
and brings your forgotten memory of unexplainable experiences back.
Each time I watched it, I found something I had missed.
I like the way you present it.
The prelude not only indicates the origin and making of the film, but
also introduces the main theme -- reality is a reflection. To
watch the film is like to enjoy a understated multidimensional
symphony. The scenes move like continuum of impressionist
paintings, accompanied by pleasant music, almost without the distraction
of spoken words. Occasional dialogues are short and natural.
No shooting or kicking. No
screaming or cursing. Sparce speech and explanation. A
gifted girl naturally turned water into milk, junk into birthday cake,
or stick into a flute and healing wand, painted the wall without
actually painting, restarted a broken car with thought, or offered
friends different drinks they wanted. Yet, noting short of
miracle, the kind of miracle recorded in bible and other ancient
writings. The possibility of transformation between matter
and energy , expressed by Einstein's famous formula, has long been
accepted as truth. The film portraits such transformation as it is.
It tells Mirror's story in a relaxed way. In realty, the
occurrence of paranormal events is everywhere.
Mirror reflected this reality, indicating that paranormal is
The characters are natural and likeable. The
film did not create artificial conflict or tension, rather let people be
-- coexist peacefully, treat one another with respect, share, and help
one another whenever and wherever needed and possible.
Why not? We all have frontal lobes and are capable of clicking amygdala
I appreciate the care you took in
design each scene. The screw driver left on the road, the
long moral Mirror passed by, or the clean painting pad -- each
serves a different purpose in a quiet way.
I love that horse scene --- ten times
natural when they are gracefully running than they are pushed into
competition or battle field, and that dancing scene, framed
with painted boxes which themselves can easily walk into an
abstract painting :-))
Dr. Julia Lu
* *
"Hey Neil, I saw the
rest of the DVD and I really liked it! It was all very cool indeed. I think you should wright a song about Erfie and
Chloe, a song where you sing in it, (I personally think that you have a
very beautiful singing voice), and put it on their website. Thanks for
creating the Mirror movie and the rest of the cool and interesting stuff
on the DVD. It's all awesome!
-Telah Bhavah Groove, massage therapist
* *
Pro Film Critic Doug
Gerash adds his two cents- here's a few excerpts:
"...Mirror is the story of a young woman (Emily Choi) who, like Mr.
Slade, is endowed with unusual psychic power. The drama of the
story lies in the conundrum of the fact that she is largely unaware of
these powers. She has a good heart and finds herself applying her
magic to those who are in need, such as the Buster Keaton-like Mr.
Vincent (Eric Vincent). After a colorful romp in the mountains
with no one but herself, she discovers a stick. Using her creative
mind, she finally turns it into a colorful cane, which she presents to
Mr. Vincent. The cane imparts its healing energy to his gimpy leg,
and voila, he is made whole again....
The Magoffin in the show
is the pursuit of higher consciousness through a process of
"clicking" Mirror's brain into a cooperative and empathetic
level of consciousness. This process is the holy grail of Mr.
Slade's crusade to get humanity to transcend its current level of
humdrum toil and reptilian violence into a more human and kind excellent original music score...The electric cinematography
is truly excellent. Mr. Slade has utilized digital tape and applied a 24
fps progressive format creating a smooth, film effect, which indeed give
the show a fine depth and continuity that would otherwise be lacking in
a standard video format. He also uses adept editing...the overall
show has a pleasant and real feel to it. The characters all
touched by Mirror's gift, and we are left with a colorful, meditative
film from the heart that contrasts with the standard mechanical features
that are typical of American mainstream films. It is tempting to
say this film has some European nuances in it, a little Amelie, some
Fellini touches. Most importantly, it is a tribute to the New
Cinema, where an individual can take a story, and with some mastery of
some editing programs, create a personal vision on a scale unprecedented
in the past.- Doug Gerash"
* *
Send in YOUR review to
neil @
Oh my GOSH-- the story takes twists
and turns that never fail to SURPRISE us. We think the story is going one way, and "Mirror" takes the reigns,
and says; "We are now going THIS WAY!!"
It takes every ounce of frontal lobes cooperative advanced intelligence energy to stay the track on such a
challenging ADVENTURE. It's not a PRETEND story-- its a REAL story. The pitfalls in exploration are many- entropy black holes, twisting serpent devils ready
to trip you up at every turn. But your forward clicked amygdala FRIENDS keep you on course, and the results
are better than anything you could even make up. After one particularly trying episode, I was ready myself to
hand in the towels. My cast and crew wouldn't let me! See the great bunch of Brain Explorers I'm talking about below.
film progresses steadily....Getting into fall, we are having a WONDERFUL
time with the daily adventure surrounding the process of making AND discovering
this film.
than a totally scripted out project, we are uncovering and discovering
things about our characters and the story as it unfolds in front of us.
We started with a basic story and outline, and then began the journey of
EXPERIENCING the story as the process of capturing it on film progresses,
almost in real time. It is really very different than the core story that
appears in the Frontal Lobes Supercharge, which was just the kernel
for the idea and this project. Mirror has really ceased to be merely only a
work of fiction, but more a unique melding of story and actual BEING THERE
while things happen, as we witness and delight in unforeseen and magical things happening
before us. Being WITH the film is like stepping into another dimension.
of our locations are artificial sets, but rather extraordinary places lying
at our feet- that we are recognizing as what they are, right around us.
Almost like sliding into the parallel universe that occupies the same space
we call "normal" reality.
Choi continues to bring something indescribably fantastic to Mirror. She really has a wonderfully different personality and presence that comes
across so well. I am totally serious when I tell
you that -literally- people driving by as we shoot exterior scenes pick up
on Emily's aura, and stop their cars in the street to comment upon it
to us.
Mor plays Mirror's mom in the
film, and has been friends with me for about ten years. Her daughter Ruti Mor sang in my rock
band The Brain Revolutionaries for a few years, and made an album with me. See Amygdala Brainbites. Ruti recently graduated from Columbia Universtiy
in NYC, but is back in Denver to record something new with me to be used for the soundtrack.
Poindexter plays various roles in the film. In real life, he's a guitar player, fine artist, and landscape
architect, and has been my friend for over twenty years as well. He is
really one of the most talented people I believe I shall ever have the
pleasure to know. He has this extraordinary creative ability and
adds a wonderful natural spontaneity to the plot. His stage name is Eric
Vincent, and he plays Mr. Vincent in the film, as well as co-creating the soundtrack with
Reginelli is now an undergraduate student
at CU and he runs the colleges radio station, as well as being a writer for a
nationally syndicated newspaper column. He was originally my guitar student when he went to East High School,
and later on I've hired him many times to help me with my book shipments
after big radio shows. He is the hardest working kid I have ever met in
my life, and I've found him extremely self-motivated and focused. He's
one of the principal sound hands for the project when he's not in front
of the camera. See Fun With Body Putty
Wells is one of our crew members and his brother Weston took piano and guitar
lessons from me for fourteen
years. Christian works for the city of Denver,
(and Weston is now in NYC perusing a career in film making.)
And WHO is the Watcher?....
And last, but not least- It's Erfie and Chloe! They are really the stars of this film, but don't tell the humans. they
even have their own Dot Com!!
PHOTOS to come soon-- check back in soon!
tuned.... This new site under construction, please bookmark and visit again.
to The Amazing Brain Music Adventure