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PREVIEW Fimished Surface VIDEO #1 Windows Media Player
Introduction VIDEO #2
Media Player
Contains: 1) 80-Page Printable and Computer Viewable Illustrated Online eBook Manual 2) 62 Minutes of Windows Media Video Demonstration Clips 3) 12 Detailed Still Photo Images of Finished Demonstration Surfaces Complete~! This is the absolute totally Affordable COMPLETE Guide to Painting Your Car, Truck, Boat, Motorcycle, Bicycle or anything else. Includes body surface repair of dents, rust, and holes for metal or fiberglass. Learn to paint indoors, outdoors, any time of year, with a minimum of expense and equipment- for SUPERIOR results.
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To: loved the dvd, very clear and easy to follow.... i have a 92 bmw 525i ... thank you very much. your video was great and i will be recommending the site to my friends- it is very refreshing to have a businessman who has a web site and actually responds to his customers questions.. and does it immediately! AMAZING! Brandon |
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Below: Raleigh M30, Hammerite "hammered" finish.
(Below- Handmade Italian Zullo Road Bike- large detail photos below on page)
I've painted many BIKES and a Scooter with automotive grade urethane- using exactly the same method I use on my cars. This provides the most durable bike finish you can do yourself. Read on... |
I've also painted two GUITARS with the very same kind of paint and method! Again- fantastic durable, beautiful results. See also
You can paint plastic body or metal body SCOOTERS using these same materials and methods as well- I did a RAD Scooter paint job using urethane for the backround as well as for the splatter effect as shown below. I used both red and green paint on the scooter, with different body parts contrasting for effect.
I don't recommend acoustic guitars (unless they are plywood electric/acoustic only), but urethane on plywood top electric hollow body and solid body guitars works fantastic, and will not have any effect on the sound- but a GREAT effect on the LOOK!
Painting a bike can be ridiculously easy, or simply easy. When you paint your bike, the steps are essentially the same as for painting a car, and everything on this site and in the manual and DVD applies to bike painting exactly.
Lots of help on tips for FREE on this web site, so read through all of the pages.
If you follow the advice on this web page, or paint your bike with the assistance of the COMPLETE painting instructions that cover every single aspect of painting in the inexpensive manual or DVD (or both!) - your bike will come out as good as a factory paint job, and perhaps better-- because you will paint your bike exactly the color your love. AND you will have a much greater appreciation of the look of your bike because YOU DID IT YOURSELF.
There are some sites on the web that explain bike painting- but please note that this is the #1 site in the world for showing you the highest level of automotive grade quality painting-- and you can do the same for ANY BIKE -- including the most expensive bikes out there-- as shown below on the handmade Zullo frame.
Of course the simplest way to paint a bike is to go get a can of tractor enamel from the hardware store and brush it on. This is perfectly acceptable. However, you will see brush strokes, and the paint will not stick very well. This might be good for an old clunker, or perhaps you have a super bike and you want to hide the value of it.
Another way to paint your bike, is to strip off all of the bicycle components, sand it down with 220 and then 400 sand paper and get a can of Krylon or similar enamel, and spray. This would be better than brushing on, and the paint will likely stick better. However, Krylon is not that durable, especially on a bike, and is certainly not as shiney as first class automotive paint.
Another alternative to bike painting is to powder coat the bike. This provides the most durable finish next to chrome plating, but it will be expensive, several hundred dollars if you hire someone to do it.
Probably the best method to paint a bike, that will cost very little, as little as $25 for the BEST QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE URETHANE, and still remain quite easy, and will provide an extremely durable finish is to follow the methods on this web site-- applying catalyzed automotive grade acrylic urethane- exactly the same paint all car manufactures put on cars.
(Continued below)
When you paint properly with catalyzed urethane the paint will stick on the bike forever (unless you crash and burn), and your paint will be extremely shiny and smooth.
You can easily repair any damage to the paint, and remove and polish any drips you may get. Other kinds of paint will not allow you to remove drips, and you cannot sand or polish regular spray can enamal.
Bike tubing provides a little more difficulty than flat surfaces, but not a lot. You can finish sand the paint, and come up with an extremely smooth surface of extreme shine as shown in the photos of the yellow Zullo as shown below in the detailed photos. The paint on these bikes is as smooth as glass, as good as factory, with no remaining drips or errors.
I prefer to not put decals on my bikes, because the paint alone LOOKS THAT GOOD that I don't want to detract from it.
You DO NOT HAVE TO REMOVE THE OLD PAINT to do this method. What you have to do is to sand the old paint with 220 grade waterproof paper by hand. You can fill in any chips or imperfections with automotive buddy putty (but not BONDO. Rather use the catalyzed urethane filler I r cars, like Rage Gold). Another option to sanding is a paint adhesion promoter called BULLDOG. But it's expensive, and sanding works fine and doesn't take long.
You can use automotive primer on the raw exposed metal, or over the old paint as well, and sand for a completely smooth surface. If you have previously rusted areas you MUST USE ETCHING PRIMER- otherwise the rust will return. Get this at your automotive paint supplier.
You can also just apply the paint, and not finish sand-- this will provide a smooth finish, as glossy as you can get, but may show a little bit of finish ripple-- the same as found on factory cars, but perhaps a tiny bit more- since round tubing makes a completely flat surface harder to achieve without any finish sanding at all
All the complete and easy to follow instructions far beyond what is covered for free on this whole car painting site, including dent and chip repair is in, the download or physical manual and DVD.
Here are lots of new photos, including big details on the latest Zullo paint project, and my scooter-- make sure and GO ALL THE WAY DOWN THE PAGE FOR BIG DETAIL PHOTOS. HAVE FUN!
Here is the bike in progress along with a guitar I am painting the same color.
BELOW: I found this Fuji bike in the alley for FREE- It looked TERRIBLE! After I painted the bike it (and did mechanical maintenance) I sold it for $250 to a VERY happy cyclist! |
Below is a Giant CARBON FIBER bike with epoxy aluminum lugs racing bike that we picked up for $50 off Craigslist- AMAZING!!
The end result was fantastic, and we found a set of Velocity V wheels exactly the same color as the rest of the bicycle-- Yes, the green is ELECTRIC--
BELOW: Okay, hold on to your hat--- my neighbor had this extraordianrily rare handmade Italian Zullo complete bike in her backyard, and gave it to me. I repainted it-- note, a new frame like this is about $1400. Although a little hard to detect in the photos- because I didn't want glare- the paint is EXTREMELY glossy, and because of finish sanding with 1500 grit and then polished with polishing compound, the paint on this bike is as smooth as glass, with no drips or imperfections whatsoever.
BELOW: Here is the bike being painted in my car port-- the temperature is 55 degrees, and I am using fast harderner to promote curring in this cool temperature. You can use space heaters to warm up the area if it is cool. 55 degrees should be the coolest temperature you paint in.
Note, you can best suport the bike with a long bolt through the seat post bracket holes, and then hand with a couple of wire coat hangers. Here you can see everything taped up, and screws placed in the bottle bracket screws to keep paint out there. A taped up tube keeps the seat post area clean. The fork is suspended from a light fixture on a rubber belt.
If you get a drip or run-- DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FIX while wet. Simply let dry completely and sand and polish smooth. I like to let the urethane cure when painting a bike for two days. Then it is completely hard and ready for sanding and polishing if I desire. After two days you can safely put any tight components back on.
Easy How To Paint
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1) 80 page Color Illustrated Easy How To Paint Your Car Manual on DVD (both Word and PDF printable)
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The COMPLETE and Easy-to-Understand fully detailed printable EBOOK PDF manual with over ONE HOUR of Windows Media Player VIDEO content. PREVIEW VIDEO #1 Windows Media Player
To: loved the dvd, very clear and easy to follow.... i have a 92 bmw 525i ... thank you very much. your video was great and i will be recommending the site to my friends- it is very refreshing to have a businessman who has a web site and actually responds to his customers questions.. and does it immediately! AMAZING! Brandon |
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Learn to paint ANYTHING Professional Quality
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PREVIEW Fimished Surface VIDEO #1 Windows Media Player
Introduction VIDEO #2
Media Player
Contains: 1) 80-Page Printable and Computer Viewable Illustrated Online eBook Manual 2) 62 Minutes of Windows Media Video Demonstration Clips 3) 12 Detailed Still Photo Images of Finished Demonstration Surfaces Complete~! This is the absolute totally Affordable COMPLETE Guide to Painting Your Car, Truck, Boat, Motorcycle, Bicycle or anything else. Includes body surface repair of dents, rust, and holes for metal or fiberglass. Learn to paint indoors, outdoors, any time of year, with a minimum of expense and equipment- for SUPERIOR results.
Instant download 24 hours a day Absolutely Secure and Safe 128 Bit Encrypted ONLINE ORDERING
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receive this Fantastic
To: loved the dvd, very clear and easy to follow.... i have a 92 bmw 525i ... thank you very much. your video was great and i will be recommending the site to my friends- it is very refreshing to have a businessman who has a web site and actually responds to his customers questions.. and does it immediately! AMAZING! brandon |
Universal DVD Hard Copy by mail
Order the 80 page Color Illustrated Easy How To Paint Your Car Manual on DVD (both Word and PDF printable) and Broadcast High Resolution 62 minute DVD by Mail
$14.95 USA Free Postage (International and Canada add $5 Shipping) Use the buttons below for mailed copy-All Credit Cards Accepted Through Paypal Portal- No Paypal Account Needed
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The COMPLETE and Easy-to-Understand fully detailed printable EBOOK PDF manual with over ONE HOUR of Windows Media Player VIDEO content. PREVIEW VIDEO #1 Windows Media Player
Contains the best explanation for all levels, from first time
beginner to experienced painters.
Everything you need to know about painting your car is made simple,
and practical.
1) Introduction
2) Painting Environment Options
3) Additional Tips and Technology History
4) Materials List
5) Materials Photos
6) Painting Procedure Outline
7) Sanding and Body Filler Materials and Tools
8) Surface Preparation and Repair
9) Primer: Mixing and Applying
10) Color and Clear Coats: Mixing and Applying
11) Smart Clean Up
12) The Finished Product
13) Finish Polishing
You can put a new everyday durable finish on your car that is better
than the budget shops offer at a fraction of the price, or just do
the body work and leave the spraying to the shops and save hundreds
or even thousands of dollars.
You can also learn how to put on the highest grade show car level
finish, suitable for any valuable collector car.
Every detail is explained with dozens of color photos, and easy to
understand text in a 45 page printable and computer viewable eBook manual.
AND each step of the way is clearly shown in a demonstration VIDEO.
Neil Slade is an internationally known author of 6 books, a feature
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the BEST way to learn painting!
You would have to be crazy to pass this up! This is the Best, Quickest, Most Useful, Most Affordable, and Easiest way to learn to do a GREAT paint job- LEARN FROM AN EXPERT now! How To Paint Your Car- Hassle Free!
Your Amazing Brain Adventure is a web site all about Tickling Your Amygdala- i.e. turning on the best part of your brain as easy as clicking on a light switch. This is done as easily as imagining a feather inside of your head stimulating a compass, the amygdala. The amygdala is a set of twin organs, a part of your brain that sits right in between the most advance part of your brain- the frontal lobes and pre-frontal cortex- and the most primitive part of your brain- your "reptile brain" and brain stem. By tickling your amygdala you instantly and directly increase creativity, intelligence, pleasure, and also make possible a spontaneous natural processes known as "paranormal abilities", although such things as telepathy and ESP are really as natural as breathing, or as easy doing simple math in your head. The ability to self stimulate the amygdala by something as simple as thought has been proven in laboratory experiments, such as those conducted at Harvard University research labs, 1999-2009, and can be tracked with modern brain scanning machines such as fMRI and PET... Indeed, thought is faster than light.
Other sites of interest: is a painting site dedicated to learning how to paint a car yourself, even if you've never painted a car before. You can refinish your car to professional standards at home, better than if you take it to someone else, and enjoy doing it at a fraction of the cost of having it done in an expensive shop. You can repair dents, rust, and use the most durable real automotive paint, and even learn to apply it without any special or expensive gear, in a safe and enjoyable manner. Paint your car in your garage, car port, or even driveway. You can spray, use an HVLP gun, or even use a roller.
Easy Make A Kindle and Your Own Publishing are sites about self-publishing and writing, and how any person can publish materials, print, online, and electronic books. You can drop out of the corporate slave labor rat race and own your own life by writing and distributing your own books on the subject that you know best. is a web site about escaping from the ridiculous cost of ink jet printer ink refilling- and refilling your printer for pennies instead of $70 a shot. It also has useful tips about maintaining ink jet printers, especially Canon brand printers.
Julia Lu Painting is all about the creative works of Chinese painter Julia Lu, a modern master of oil and water color painting. Julia shares her creative secrets, ideas, as well as her art work.
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