This page contains the most recent feedback and frontal lobes stories from amygdala clickers. This is YOUR Brain Revolution- sample a few of the unsolicited letters received from people like you below. The list includes teachers, scientists, doctors, professionals, and others.NOTE: This is a LOOOOOONGGGGGGGGG page. The amount of positive email received here is phenomenal. The number of complaints and negative feedback is almost nil. Brain Self-Control works. Not my opinion- YOURS. Each letter is reproduced exactly as received, spelling errors included. Enjoy! - Neil
Hi Neil!
I'm an
electrician and I swear my mind flashed to survival mode as if I had run my
head into a hot 440 Volt lighting circuit. I was so intrigued that I played
this song over, and over, and over, and OVER, until the feeling finally
subsided. It was remarkably pleasurable while it lasted. Common sense tells
me this can not happen, yet I felt it. I can't reconcile this in my mind.
Something is drastically wrong here. I've ordered your book to prove to
myself that my eternal desire to be better than I am is playing a tricks on
me. You can't possibly CLICK your brain into altered state just by imaginary
tickling. When I get your book and CD, I'll report back with the reasons
this can't possible work.
[NEIL responds:
(RE: Arrival of Fl Supercharge book) It was incredible :)
And to top all that off, earlier that day I was thinking of calling one of my family members long distance but that it wouldn't be cool since the station would have to pay for it. Then I thought, hmmm, maybe I could give them the number here, that would work. But I didn't carry out my thoughts, I just thought them. And then out of the blue THIS SAME DAY, he called me. Very neat stuff. And this was after I did start clicking.
Dear Neil,
Ever since then I can feel an expanding sensation within my head when I know
I am using my frontal lobe. It feels like something is about to pop but just
continues to expand. There is no pain or anything so I guess I'm on the
right track! ^_^
Thanks for your Time! Love the books and stuff. I'm glad that there is a lot of focus on spirituality/cosmic stuff, because most of my books are on metaphysics - I was hoping that the brain stuff wasn't going to be it.
[Neil: I have to tell you-- I have had a couple of people who were INFURIATED when they heard me talking to my dog Tippy on the beginning of that album.
They just didn't get it at all. Laugh people!!! Laugh!!
I think its the best thing I have ever put on an album....... ]
Hey there Neil!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for writing this book and for sharing with us!!
I feel like it's Christmas times 1,000,000!!!! Woo hoo!!!! Thank you!!!
Dear Neil, Thank you!!!! I am so excited about your work and thank you for
your years of dedication to this research and for bringing it all to light
for the masses to utilize.
As a young child I practiced "controlling" my dreams at night. At the age of
43 now, my dreams have now taken me into distant pasts and near futures. I
have not been able to go any further than the year 2012 for whatever reason
but do believe our world, not as we know it today, but with major climatic
and geographic changes will and does continue on.
My interest lies in time travel and was wondering what you have on this
subject with relationship to accessing the brains latent powers? I have
proof that I have indeed accessed certain past events and lives but how I
have done this is still a mystery even to me. There is no doubt we all have
this capability to time travel but would love to find the key to access it at
I will be ordering your complete set of books and CD's soon and plan to read
and explore all of it but wondered if you could tell me where to go first in
all of the vast material you have? [NEIL: The FL Supercharge Book is always the first basic primer to read, in addition to the vast number of articles at the site.]
Also, thank you for not being some
greedy, asshole. I am so sick of seeing so much helpful information and
alternative healing remedies out there that the average person, like myself,
cannot afford to buy because the cost is prohibitive. These companies and
individuals try to squeeze the consumer to the limit. Can't tell you how
much it means to me that you are such the rare exception! Thank you
sincerely for any and all info. you can provide. Hope to meet you some day
and God bless,
In chapter 1 of "Back Pain -- Chinese Qigong for Healing and Prevention", Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming (doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University) explained the history and theory of Qigong in great details. He mentioned that the abdominal area is the storage of Qi/bioelectricity/electromotive force. He also wrote that the highest level of Qigong is to lead the Qi to the brain to nourish the pituitary gland for the production of growth hormone to effect anti-aging and longevity.
The most amazing Qigong master is Dr. Yan Xin. He is known as "the Miracle
Doctor" who can emit Qi from his eyes to help people in the audience in his
seminar/workshop. Presently more than 100 million people in China and all
over the world are practicing the Yan Xin style Qigong daily. Every major
University and city in the U.S. has a non-profit chapter. The UCLA
chapter is currently offering a study program of 12 sessions for $30.
Please read about Dr. Yan Xin at and other related
Hi Neil,
I have your book, but unfortunately I haven't yet been able to click my amigdala
forward. [NEIL: Please send me email so we can work out the details so that you may be
successful in identifying and getting this process to work easily. I am always anxious to help those
sincerely interested.] Still, I'm pleased to be part of your brain adventure network.
You're doing great, planet-saving work that gives me some hope for the future.
Love your books and music. Thanks for sharing this information with
everyone! Michael Meyer
I just received your materials (Super Complete Brain Book and Music Set) and I have enjoyed your books and music immensely!-
John Sever
Dear Neil: I know any day the big one is coming - again. Why? Because I've finally found someone or some group on this planet who has experienced the experience of clicking forward/popping the frontal lobes. I didn't know what was going on before when this happened to me. When I'd try to explain it to people they would look at me like I'm nuts. Not knowing what the experience was also brought fear about continuing to do it. That's why now that I'm studying the amygdala, the frontal lobes, the reptile, mammal, and primate brains, plus cleaning up the neurosis from the past - it all makes sense now and why/when this happened to me in the past. There are times when I'm reading your or T.D.A.'s work that I'm just on the edge of popping the big one.
Speaking of music, I really like your CD's. One group that we have always liked
because of the complexity of their music was King Crimson. You ever get into
I also included some humor I wrote below. I used one of the mandala pictures on
your website. Hope you get a chuckle out of it. I better get back to looking
like I'm working before one of my reptilian handlers (bosses) come by.
Hi Neil, I think I've started to understand what forward clicking is....I think. More time will verify this for me. Read the Anti-rules book yesterday afternoon -- boy did I identify with what you said throughout. I'll probably be ordering another copy for my oldest son who has just started his teaching career -- in music! (Trumpet player like his dad.)
Thanks for some great work. I'll be working and enjoying this for many moons
to come.
Ray Fabre
Now let's see if I can get my dusty ol' frontal lobes up and
Dear Neil,
By the way, the new book is great. It's really got me excited.
Dear Mike, [Siegel]
Last week on Ian Punnett's show, Neil Slade was on and it was a really
terrific show. It would be REALLY GREAT if you would have him on your show
too. I've heard him before when Art had him on and it's ALWAYS such a
powerful show, especially if we get to do group "brain adventures."
This time Ian played some of Neil's brain music, which I intend to order.
Please consider doing a show with Neil soon.
Thanks from a long time listener, "Sleepless in Santa Rosa"
Hi Neil.
Thanks for the note... enjoying your page and program on coast to coast the other night. Great stuff!!!
Dear Neil, Hello Neil:
Dear Neil: Thanks to you for all your work in our behave. Do enjoy your messages. will
keep the brain going forward as much as I can, it does sometime stands still
or goes backward. Good to have you out there to says, it is easier when it
goes forward, you guys.
Hope you had a good day.
Hi Neil!
Thanks so much! It's great to have this info. Also, when someone is copying
a tape or CD there is a matter of intent that contributes an energy to the
recording. It's important for the person making the recording to be in a
good state or the pwerson receiving the recording is the recipient of
something not so beneficial. Another reason not to download something for
free. Just something to think about. I can't wait to get out and walk with
my cheap sony earphones. Have a great day!
Hi Neil,
Hello! Hello!
I just completed The Supercharge Book and absolutely
loved it. The reference towards the end to Carlos
Casteneda's "seeing" technique really cleared up alot
for me. (I've been trying to make heads or tails or
sides or fronts of his work for years.)
One thing I've really noticed since I began clicking
is the intensity and wonder of my dreams has increased
tremendously. There are some nights that I don't feel
like I've slept at all; it just seems that I've
travelled to so many places and did so many things in
one night that I must have been asleep for two or
maybe three nights! (Another thing I noticed is my
rambling, run-on sentences...oh, wait, I've always had
those. Dang.)
Anyway, I just received Brain Magic and I can't wait
to get started! Thank you so much for you're truly
incredible work! (I'm using alot more exclamation
points these days!)
Hi Neil, make a long stoy short, Haven't bought any books, listen to
you an Art Bell (only for a sec). Have read a little on your website.
I fooled around with "tickling the lobes" two days ago. It was so hot,
and dry here, we needed rain. I pictured the rain coming down, and the
dark loominous clouds above. It did not work. Well, today we had two
storm fronts move in, didn't find out how much rain we got, but it
snowed in the higher elevations and yesterday the temperature was in
the 90's today it barely (if at all) hit 70. I don't know for sure if
this was just coincindence or not, but the weather I was listening to
here didn't say anything about changes in the weather until after that
experiment. I will experiment some more, and let you know what happens.
Niel: Ryan was so excited - he checked his feet out that evening before going to bed and said "goodbye" to his warts. I didn't denounce what the reader had said, because in the back of mind I believed he needed some positive thinking to help him through this. But I wasn't ready for the results achieved. I kid you not, the next day they were gone! They had fallen off and his feet like scabs (in his bedsheets) and his feet looked perfectly healed, as if they had never been there! He woke up and was not surprised at all. I didn't connect it at the time, but I am certain that because someone he wanted to believe in told him so, he probably unconsciously clicked forward and helped the process along!
We are going to get your books and work on this! I love it! Thanks, Neil
- keep up the good work.
Greetings Neil! I have some news from the Gomang monestary in Ladark, India which actually involves both of us. Geshe-la, (the monk I told you about who blessed my clinic last Fall and who has continued to e-mail me regularly since he returned to India,) seems to have taken me "under his wing," so to speak, and really wants to see us (you and me and all the people surrounding us) succeed. Well anyway, he wishes us all the best with our research project, maybe because he's a monk and intrigued with western mind-science research, or maybe just because he cares. Sooo.... in order to bestow the most powerful blessing possible upon us, he had the ENTIRE monestary pray for us on Monday, June 6, 2001. (There's another "6"!) It's called a Tara Puja -- 1500 monks praying all day for us!! But, it doesn't end there... I received a message from him yesterday saying that the monks extended the prayer for two days (so they could conclude it on June 7th, lord Buddha's birthday.) According to Geshe-la, Ladark has been deluged with rain and storms every day for over a month. As soon as they started the Puja on Monday, the sun came out, and it remained beautiful and peaceful for the duration of the Puja. Even the monks were in awe. (Hope you're OK with sittting back, enjoying the ride, and being open to receive miracles. I would have told you about it sooner, but this kind-of all fell together at once.Well, click forward, and here we go....) Hey, go ahead and tell Fred if you want. Since he's your friend, I would imagine he's indirectly a part of this, too.... For that matter, add in everyone and everything in the universe, since we're all connected at some level. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that we have friends on the other side of the globe who care for us very much and are in support of all the good things we can do for our fellow man. As Geshe-la says, "look beyond other's opinions of you as long as you know your path is of the Dharma, and your motivations are pure." Thanks for always being supportive and patient with me. I'll soon be through these challenging things with my business, and I know we'll be successful with this research. Guess nothing in life comes without a challenge, huh? Hope all is going well for you. Enjoy the evening.... and savor whatever success may come your way.
As always, best wishes,
Glenda [NEIL: This woman is a doctor with three medical degrees, and is heading up the new amygdala research project grant]
Neil Once I wake up and the sleep grogginess leaves my head....I feel the sensations in the front of my head....clicked in automatically. I don't need to tickle my amygdalla with the feather anymore and I will stay this way until I fall asleep.
Today after the pen energy there was a major increase
in sensations in my head and at times the amygdalla
area was almost pulsing.
I was unable to catch you on coast to coast but managed to check out
your web site and I have to tell you what a wonderful site it is! It's among
my favorites and I visit it almost daily now.
I do have a question: Which book would be the best to order first? If
I could I'd order the entire set but due to a sudden influx of medical bills
I can only order one at this time. Also, do you hold retreats or seminars?
Thank you for your time and one really great website!
Hi Neil [NEIL: submitted by a web visitor] Dalai Lama contemplates UW brain research
MADISON (AP) -- Surrounded by Western scientists, the Dalai Lama reflected
Tuesday on the nature of emotion and the possibility of using the scientific
study of meditation to create a happier society.
The Tibetan spiritual leader met with reporters after visiting a University
of Wisconsin research facility. He described the scientific research on the
brain as "remarkable" and said it could validate the Buddhist belief that
people can use meditation to control their emotions.
"You can change your brain and change your behavior," the Dalai Lama said.
"It is our basic right to be a happy person and happy family and eventually a
happy world."
The Dalai Lama was in Madison for the ninth international Mind and Life
Conference, a collaboration among the Dalai Lama and Western scientists who
study emotions and the brain.
"We're interested in specific practices and techniques for the betterment of
mankind and to understand how changes in the brain and the body may promote
better physical and mental health," said UW psychology and psychiatry
professor Richard Davidson.
The Dalai Lama spent Monday and Tuesday visiting the UW-Madison's new $10
million Keck Laboratory for Functional Brain Imaging and Behavior before
heading to Washington to meet with Secretary of State Colin Powell and
President Bush.
The Keck facility is one of the few in the world that combines key
technologies for studying neurological changes, including functional magnetic
resonance imaging and positron emission tomography.
The MRI scanner, powered by a 16-ton magnet, shows different parts of the
brain as it processes emotions and external information. PET measures
chemical activity in the brain, using radioactive tracers created in the
laboratory's own accelerator.
The Dalai Lama said he was particularly impressed with the university's PET
equipment and a room where university workers make tools they can't buy
elsewhere, "screwdrivers and everything." Researchers are using technology to
test the theory that meditation produces some of the same neurological
responses as happiness, and can help people control the way they feel.
"We perceive emotions as taking us over and yet it does appear ... that
certain types of meditative practices do give you a choice about whether or
not you will have an emotion and what emotion you will have," said Professor
Paul Ekman of the Human Interaction Laboratory at the University of
California Medical School in San Francisco.
Scientists at the conference ran neurological tests on French molecular
biologist and Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard to see if the effects of
meditation could be detected in his brain.
"I was very happy to find that it was more or less intact," Ricard said. The
results of the tests are still preliminary, Davidson said.
The conference was organized by Davidson and cosponsored by the
HealthEmotions Research Institute and the Mind and Life Institute of Boulder,
Researchers said the collaboration could help produce practical results, such
as using meditative practices to expand people's attention spans and make
them happier.
In the same vein, Buddhists could use the scientific research to develop
better ways to train their minds, the Dalai Lama said.
But he added that there is a limit to scientific possibilities.
"Scientists, no matter how great, cannot prove nirvana," he said. "That is
our business."
Neil, *******************************************************************
Dear Neil,
The subject of this email is about a phenomenon that has developed over
the past few months. My wife and I are amazed and a bit concerned. It
is simply the most inexplicable thing we have ever witnessed. One
evening a few months ago my guitar strummed itself. Loudly.
With your advanced understanding of things that go brain, have you ever seen this or heard of this happening? We would appreciate you comments.
Thanks, again.
Craig and Meybel
Neil! And then another thing (very strange) happened within minutes. Her small fan came crashing to the floor and broke (I think she did that, bumped it or something). But what is wierd is this. About a week earlier BOTH our large fans in our place stopped working within 24 hours of each other. Am I causing all of this by clicking/popping my amygdala? [NEIL: Quite probable. I've heard of stranger things than this....]
(It's ALL totally the truth, no joking).
Mr. Slade,
Hey Neil!
Hi Neil - I am studying for a class, (and tests) and am finding the (forward amygdala) very helpful with mood, self assurance, and --using the concepts in the beginning of Have Fun--- I seem to be retaining as I go step by step. And it is fun!! Thanks so much!!
Oh yes, in a couple of weeks I am going to Hawaii to swim with
Dolphins. They are going to be down there saying "we have one with us
who knows about clicking her amygdalas!!!" I will let you know
how it goes.
Thank you so much.
I want to tell you about an expeirience me and my
friend had. He came over today and we talked about
cloudbusting. But insted of making them go away , we
wanted to make one appear. We played yourr cliking
music and started consatrating. In about 5 min we were
clicked and we started forming the cloud. And it
worked! While we were doing this , we noticed
houndreds of little white dots moving around in front
of our eyes , almost like in a dance or pattern. Every
time we have clicked our amygdalas we have noticed
this. We were woundering if you know anything about
this or if any one has had the same expeience. Thanks
for your time and help. [NEIL: Yes, friends and I have had exactly the same visual phenomenon happen at the same time. And it is NOT those little specs you sometimes see inside your eyeballs. This is distinctly an exterior event happening outside in the sky. Wilhelm Reich has written about this, and his definition is "orgone energy" visible in the
Atmosphere. I don't know exactly what it is, but it's out there.]
Hi Neil, I was clicking during class while we were looking at some slides of country sides when all of the sudden my forehead felt really wired. It popped almost. I read about frontal lobe popping. I also think i read something about how there are little ones to. When you describe the pop , it sounds to big to be what i had. Yet something did happen. Let me describe it. I felt almost like i was being tickled. It was were the third eye is supposed to be. It felt like a spike of moving energy was coming out of my forehead. It was a good feeling , but a new one. Do you think this is the frontal lobe pop you talk about , or something on the way to having a frontal lobe pop. I can't thank you enough for either the books or your time. This stuff just plain amazes me. Earlier today, I was heading out of my apartment, when the phone rang. That annoys me, and I guess I clicked backward for a second, because I started to get angry. But I took a deep breath, and thought, "Dude, click your amygdala!", and clicked my amygdala all the way to the phone. Answered it with a smile on my face.
I should've paid attention to this a lot earlier, because I might have
saved myself tons of grief and hardship.
I learned from a friend how to click my amygdala , and
since that weekend it has been nothing but fun. I read
about cloudbusting and i thought , why only with
clouds? So i decided to try some expiriments. I went
to school and focused on making some ones chin itchy.
I won't have any harmful effect , and it won't get in
the way , so i tried it. I was amazed. In less the 3
min. they were scratching right in the spot i focused
on. then i sat an observed if he scratches any other
place. or if he scratches a lot. he never touched his
chin again. so i decided to wait a few days and note
on if he scratches himself or anything of the manner.
He seemed to not get itchy at all. so i tried it again
but in a different spot. I tried his ear. In even less
time he scratched it in the exact spot i was focused
on. I tried it with many other people. all with the
same results. i can't wait to try cloudbusting. right
now it is so dark and cloudy i'm afraid it wouldn't
work , so i'm waiting for a nice sunny day. I also
clicked before i went to sleep like it said on your
site. and i had the greatest dream. it was full of
love and happiness. I really want to get all your books but am a
little short on money, so i'll have to wait.
I heard you on Art Bell, years ago, but back then, I was more interested in trying to exterminate hordes of brain cells, than in exercising my brain. But your statement in the Supercharge book, that we might not have a finite number of brain cells gives people like myself some hope.
Christopher Brannon
Hi there!
Some of the Brain-investigators
Bill James I've meant to get back to you sooner than this, the end of the semester here kinda got in the way. Since I e-mailed you last, I have had intermittent "pops"(I put that in lower case, because I don't think they were as significant as a "POP" would be, I'm not complaining though!). I've even heard "clicks" in my head. The first time I thought my jaw was popping. The second time, however, the click came from a part of my head that simply shouldn't have clicked, because, before this, there weren't any moving parts there. I'm going to make a greater effort to work on this "clicking" technique. To be honest, I didn't put much stock in it until I "POPPED!" looking at the "double atom" thingy on your web site. I think that learning this technique will be a "gateway" to learning other "mind expansion" techniques as well. I think that the "clicking" will be easier to learn than these other techniques.
Thanks - Mark
Hey there Neil!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for writing this book and for sharing with us!!
I feel like it's Christmas times 1,000,000!!!! Woo hoo!!!! Thank you!!!
Mr. Slade,
Now, for what I was going to tell you, before I digressed above: I was giving a talk to a regional nurses association meeting on Saturday about pain management. (I'm an MD, Anesthesiologist by background, with a subspeciality Board certification in chronic pain management, and now practicing 100% chronic pain management in my own clinic.) Anyway, I have given this talk to many different groups of Family Practice docs, Internists, Med students, etc., but my challenge has always been to cover a VERY broad topic in less than an hour, yet make it clear, simple, and easy to understand. About 3:30AM Saturday (5 hrs before I was supposed to be giving the talk,) I was molling over 100's of slides, barely able to stay awake, trying to come up with a better organization to my presentation -- just too much material, too complicated. Then, in the midst of my frustration, I cupped my forehead in my hands, propped up with my elbows on the table -- my slides in a state of entropy. "How can I make this understandable to EVERYONE in the audience?"... Then, out the blue... BAM! It hit me! (And, I wasn't even thinking about clicking my amygdalae, my frontal lobes, or anything about neural synapses! I guess I had done that enough over the past couple weeks to get a few circuits open.) I grabbed a pen and started scribbling out a chart -- almost like I was out of my body with enlightenment -- (or maybe it was just sleep deprivation!) Whatever it was, within about ten minutes, I had come up with a chart on ONE PAGE that outlined everything about chronic pain management from the functional definition of pain, history & physical exam of the patient, differential diagnosis, and all forms of treatment ranging from alternative medical therapies to nutrition to physical therapy/rehab to herbal & pharmaceutical meds to nerve blocks to implantable electrical spinal cord and brain stimlators to psychotherapy, hypnosis, and positive thought. I delivered the talk in 50 minutes with concise clarity, and the audience DID understand! I even had time in the middle of the presentation to take the audience through an experiential exercise (about two minutes long) to demonstrate the power of positive thought. Afterward, people were coming up to me telling me that it was the best and clearest talk they had ever heard on the subject. What's more, one nurse told me that the experiential exercise had been so impactful for her, she was going to change the way she interacted with pain patients from now on. Interestingly, in the middle of the talk, when I was speaking about the power of thought, I just started blurting out things about opening channels in the anterior amygdala and "clicking forward." I referred to T.D. Lingo's research and your website for more info. (I know that a little knowledge can be dangerous, so I didn't get into any detail about what's in your books. I simply referred them to your website. At this stage of my education, I know I'm only starting to scratch the surface of what you've mastered, and I hope someday I will have mastered the techniques well enough to teach my patients how to do the same!) I hope it's O.K. with you that I did this. In fact, I'm going to be giving the same talk to another group of people June 17th, so please tell me if it's not.
Oh my goodness, here it is 3:30AM Monday morning, and
I'm still in the Dr's lounge at the hospital pecking
on keys! Better go home and get to bed! I have a case
at 7:00AM. Catch ya later! And, thanks again for
Dear Neil,
Astonished when it finally happened I find your description
suprisingly accurate. Indeed in my own head I did experience an audible
two syllable sound which could only be described as KABOOM or KABANG.
The transcendant effect lasted for more than twenty hours. [NEIL: Brain Synchronicity Sound- Hypothesis: Did you ever hear a sound inside your head that sounded REAL but you know it was inside your head? This is the sound of neurotransmitters all firing in a synchronous pattern, like a sonic boom inside your head. It's the sound of your amygdala firing- either deliberately or non deliberately. Now-when a group of brains, that are naturally un-synchronous activity with other brains suddenly synch up-a very rare event not unlike the lining up of the planets-they will simultaneously perceive and emit a telepathically shared internal/external signal that sounds not unlike a gigantic sonic boom-with no airplane in sight.] **********************************************************
Neil, Sounds a lot like the process I use as a coach in working with clients.......when they're pushing, forcing or focused exclusively on the result they want, it's like playing golf with the scorecard constantly in their face....toooo focused on the score, not enough on enjoying the process of playing. Anyway, I can only describe what I experienced yesterday afternoon for several hours as a continuous mental orgasm....WOW!!!!! I was definitely playing on a much bigger playing field....and know I can and will again.
So, the mind favors, not just those who learn to click their
amygdala....but those who also have the discipline and patience to
continue tickling them...not for the Big Pops, but to further the
process...and enjoy it.
Dear Neil - Neil Slade wrote: > So, I guess I've learned the hard way, if someone throws verbal stones > at you----just delete.
Big Hugs, My Friend,
Dear Neil,
Mr. Slade, Dear Neil: Just a few thoughts. It seems to me that people are just plain angry these days. They also don't want to take responsibility for the world that they have so capably (self) created. It is so much easier to blame someone else for our problems than to correct the faulty thinking that created the mess in the first place! Who better than to attack than very people who would help find them a solution. A real solution to their problems, for free, too. We all have our own solutions locked up in our beautiful frontal lobes. You have shown through your web site how to access these treasures. Just a "click" away. As Nike says "Just do it!". I, personally, find your off the wall humor very entertaining. You are honest and lay out your information with a sense of style and fun. You can be serious, but yet you don't take yourself too serious. I appreciate the information you are trying to bring to everyone to help our world be a better place. It seems that our leaders could use a good dose of "frontal lobe douche"! Maybe then they could take their reptilian head out of their respective mammalian asses. (Can I use that word on the Internet?)
Anyway, just thought I would let you know what I think. This is the first
email I have sent to anyone other than my family, but I just needed to let
you know someone out here behind the glass screen appreciates what you are
For the love of God man, do not take me off the list. I bought your book about six months ago, I've read it three times, and can tell the difference in my attitude. I have always been a sort of mellow person, but after reading the book, it has really kept me on the control side of my life. Thanks for being there and for helping me stay in the "ZONE". L8R
Hey Neil,
Thank you for spreading this knowledge for anyone who wants to know
about everything.
I am going to start "Brain Magic" soon and I will let you know how it
Greetings Neil!
Hi, Neil!
Cait Wellsinger and James Napier [NEIL: James is a also Art Bell Guest]
Hi Neal. I've been clicking away quite a bit since I received your
books. I am very pleased with the results I've been getting. I always
get a good feeling at at the start. I do have a question though. I'm
getting some real strong jerking throughout my body as I'm clicking my
amygdala. It's not uncomfortable but sometimes it quite strong
throughout the spine from the base of the spine all the way to the top
of my head. It feels almost like a electrical charge cursing through
me. It usually feels pleasant. At what point will I get past the place
of all this body jerking? It seems the jerking is getting more intense.
And you are right about the sexual drive. I feel more virle and sexual
than I did ate age 21, and I was born in 1930, so I guess age is just a
number after all. Just a reminder I'm the fellow you talked to on the
phone and I told you about the butterfly that I believed I healed that
went skyward in a straight line and out of site. Will appreciate any
response from you if you have time as I know you are very busy. [NEIL: Bernie- I'm always happy to hear of success! This electric/physical sensation you are talking about sounds typical of the yogic "kundalini" rising, it is energy stored at the base of the spine (base lower consciousness), and as you get "enlightened" the energy moves higher up towards your "crown chakra" (cosmic consciousness) at the top of your head. I would suggest a book on yoga and chakras that addresses this, although, the experience itself is probably more direct than any verbal description. My advice to you would be to just keep observing this phenomenon, it doesn't happen to everyone, and most people have to work years to get this kind of thing happening. It should pass as you learn to UTILIZE and channel this energy. Do something with it. It sounds like it's just bouncing around inside you and you need to focus on using it for a productive purpose. Move the energy up and OUT FORWARD through your frontal lobes- that will relieve any internal pressure. That's what you've got to do anyway, whether the energy is subtle or intense. Spread it around, give it back to the universe.] ***************************************************************************
Hey neil, [Neil: Amygdala clicking and results are not always even on both sides of the brain. concentrate on the side that seems out of balance.] *****************************************************************
I was just wondering, after doing these practices for awhile,
do you become fully conscious of your amygdalas, and their energy flows
and processes? [NEIL: Yes. You may also just let it happen and not be so concerned with physical sensations. I have not been particularly concerned with other regions you mention following.]
Also, do other certain parts of the brain, like the
pineal gland, corpus callosum, etc. light up, I assume like a pinball machine?
Anyway, have a great day, and Y2K.
Dear Neil,
I am looking forward to your reply so that i can order ASAP -just can't wait.
\|||/ ******************************************************************
Neil, First off I must thank you once again for bringing this incredible
information to the public eye. I have had an amazing series of events occur
since starting down this path. One incredible thing has led to another. To
start with, Brain science (as I call it)helped tremendously to help me heal
my life. It was the proverbial snowball at the top of the mountain, so to
speak. I had a rather serious drinking problem. Not as bad as some I've
seen, but bad enough. If it was around, I would drink it. This was causing
health problems, but I stubbornly clung to my addiction with the tenacity of
a pitbull. It was through Brain science that I was able to realize the
severity of my problem as well as open my mind enough to perceive the
amazing circumstance that follows. On the night of Sept. 14 I was unable to
make it to work (I work graveyard shift) and went to bed after my girl
friend got home from work.(She works swing shift) At some point in the early
morning hours, I was awakened by a very loud bell. It literally jolted me
upright out of bed! I immediately got up to see if any one was at the door,
but as I was looking it occurred to me that it was definately not the
doorbell because it had been one long reverberating tone, not a "ding-dong".
As I went back to bed I couldn't help but notice that my girl friend had not
stirred a muscle. Well, the entire rest of the night was restless to say the
least! I was semi consciously aware of many visions that were shown to me. I
cannot remember them at all but I do vividly remember the feelings of being
there, being shown these very important things. Then I felt as though I were
awake (I cannot be sure if I was or not), and there were two entities
present in the room.One, very tall, was at the foot of my bed, and the other
was beside it. Now please understand, I can only recount as much of the
message as I was prepared to receive. What I do remember is as vivid as
typing this is now. I was told on no uncertain terms to quit drinking and
get my life in order or else! The or else consisted of either a very serious
illness or possibly even death. These visions took the entire rest of the
night, to the best of my recollection. I do recall asking what I should do,
since I obviously did not seem to have the will power myself to beat this. I
was told "You've already been told what to do, call a hypnotist" In fact not
more than two weeks prior to this, I had went to have my first tarot card
reading. The lady was incredible, and amoung other thingsknew I had a
drinking problem and said "They are screaming at you to quit"! She then
advised that I call a hypnotist if I was sincere about getting help! She
also said that she saw a trip on water for us.(You'll see why I mention this
in a bit) Well as soon as I awoke the next morning I started calling
hypnotists. It gave me the extra little boost I needed to beat this, and I
haven't touched a drop since! I feel great and have quit taking both the
zoloft and prilosec that I was on! Some time later I was talking to a good
friend that was going through some hard times and she told me about an Angel
reader here in town that described her deceased father to her and conveyed a
message to her from him. My interest was piqued at this point and I couldn't
get it out of my mind. Finally I called and made an appointment. It was
absolutely astonishing! I asked many questions that she had know idea what I
was talking about, but I knew if this was for real, "They would". They did,
on every single count - bar none! By now you're probably wondering why I'm
telling you this, well this is why... One of the questions I asked "them"
was if the things I have been studying was what I should be studying to take
me on the right path, in particular "Brain science". (She had no idea what I
meant, and I offered no explanation other than "I think they'll know what I
mean") The reply: "Oh yes, that feels good, yes , your on the right track."
Later on she unknowingly made another remark referring to Brain science
while they were telling me not to be discouraged if I have days when I don't
feel progress and to be patient with myself.They said " There may be days
when you feel down or even depressed, if there is anything you know to do to
help you get out of this, by all means do it!" How's that for accolades from
the universe! I realize that this may seem like it's a little much to some,
but as god as my witness, what I have written here to you is true. Oh, by
the way, about that trip, just now, while in the course of typing this I was
interupted by the postman. Amoung the packages and letters was a cruise I
have won to the Bahamas! No S---! I've never won anything before! Talk about
synchronicity! There are many, many other wonderful and extremely exciting
things happening for me now that I won't go into now, but I feel a special
gratitude to you for your efforts that have helped me and innumerous others.
The Light shines bright in your soul. --- If you can at some time fit it
into your busy schedule to honor me with a reply it would be greatly
appreciated. If you can't, know that alot of very positive waves are being
sent your way!
Kava clicking amygdala
These books have made a MAJOR difference in my life.
I am immensely grateful for this information, I was a basket case, I am
now really able to manage myself and become fully alive. -Surinder L.
Thanks for this web site. Neil
Hi, my name is Jess MacArthur. I just got your brain boost book. WOW. I'm
very inteligent and very much a people person. yet Ive spent the last 6 years
failing from one job/buisness to the next. It took aboten minutes reading
your book to find out why. I wont go into too many details just now, but
every time I started something new I'd click into brain dead survival
mode.(not the best way to impress the boss first day on the job!)
Last week I did some temp work to get some spare cash. As my duties were
being explained I felt the old familiar clicback, recognized what was
happening, and immediatly fixed it with my amygdalatickler. I did an excelent
job and had a blast all day. This is too cool!
I only heard you once on Arts show, and only about 5 minutes my wife
and Ihave been fighting ovr your book since we got it. we're both into mind
stuff. She has an intuition that constanly amazes (ceative spelling) us
both.(however she seems to have troubl remembering how to pronouncebig words,
somehow she ended up calling it her "amygdaglander"...anyway...) The
possiblities presented by your book are awsome, yet they make perfect sense
almost instantly when you start turning your brain on.(yeeee haw)
I've always hanted to go on a grand adventure, I guess my own brain is a
pretty good place to start. Thanks for your help. I'll keep you updated. next
time I wont babble quite so much; anyway, talk to you soon,
hey neal,
thanks for your work. & replies and encouragement. it has also helped me out of depression. by realizing i can imagine my way out of it.
Good Day!
My GOD! This is truly unbelievable! After only a week because of clicking
forward my entire world has improved. Even my "meditative- type" activities
have intensified a thousand-fold! My GOD!,
dear neil... art bells program........ i normally don't tune in late sun. but i did, I was startled to here YOU. I didn't catch what the topic was but , art said he called you to verify something w/ ya & you said that transcendence was contagious & you couldn't help but pull people up to your level. (did you think to yourself.... "I wish all my students could hear this?" a mass brain broadcast?) because it was completely "coincidental" that I turned on the radio that nite. (Neil, I don't believe in coincidences) & can you concentrate on someone & help them transcend faster? if so....... Pam , & Brent Thats me & my boy Ryan, cloudbuster don't do while driving, I did tho! (see attachments) also would you be willing to trade a / some of your books for a brand new wireless freeboard (see attachment wire03.jpg) they retail for over a hundred & wholesale for 45$ I already bot frontal lobes S/C would like brain magic , or the other one that you deemed heavy artillery. I'm ready. Many thanks for the part on flushing/ rewritng bad memories. even tho i haven't found a good way to rewrite them it has put them in their places, out of my mind. that alone was worth it. I have been practicing the universal brainbank thangy. & you are right there is an incredible peace of mind that i now have. & i have only just begun.
Brento the Brain Boy Mr. Slade, I am impressed with your book and your thoughts. I have believed in a universal energy and conciousness for a long time. For a large part of my life I have pretty much tried to be a hermit, not really caring much for socializing. Many is the time I have wondered why man can't stop fighting, get a society started that does not rely on money, and try to make this world a better place to live. I work in a courthouse and on a daily basis I get to see the things that people do, and the people that do them. Recently a man was brought in who in a fit of rage broke both of his 6 year old's son's legs. It is difficult to care for everyone when there are people like this. I realize that there are good people, it just seems they are few and far between. To a certain extent I feel burned out. But when I spend a night outside with my telescope and enjoy the incredible beauty of the universe, I feel a calm come over me and I feel at peace. Can someone such as myself, basically anti-social, and feeling somewhat the outcast because I have such different views from most people I know, really have much of a chance of attaining the goals described in your book? Will these things work against me, blocking my way, or do I just have a tougher road to follow? I apologize for this being so long, but I felt the need to talk to you about this. [NEIL: You have an excellent chance. The people who have the most trouble are conservative, conventional "sheep" - people who can't think for themselves.]
By the way, when I click forward, I feel the tingling sensation all
over(most enjoyable)and am working on the exercises and games. Thank you
for listening and appreciate any thoughts you have on this.
hoping to "pop" someday,
Hello Neil
Greetings! I followed the link to your website from Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove's Virtual U announcements earlier this week. I listened to his show last night from 8 to 9p. Sorry I couldn't listen to the whole show but I had to get my children into bed. When I first visited your site, the link to the article on whole brain sex caught my eye. I was amazed to see it there since I had had this experience for the first time last spring while attending a conference on Science and Consciousness in Alburquerque, NM.
It's a little embarassing, however, I'll dive right
Here's my anecdote...
During one of the breaks,I was in my hotel room,
ruminating on Hildegard's writings on sexuality. She
seems to speak from first-hand experience, yet I
believe that she died a virgin...Anyway, I followed
this train of thought, thinking about celibacy, and
being Brides of Christ, and the Song of Songs, and a
lot of "religious" stuff...
Then today, in conversation with a girlfriend, she
started talking about being hard-wired for sex and how
she while she was young and still a virgin would
achieve orgasm simply by thinking about it (this was
an entirely synchronistic comment she made, we were
not talking about any of this stuff...)
Dear Mr. Slade,
Dear, dear Neil, I even wondered if i was "doing it right" but when i see what a difference it makes in so many areas of my life, i don't have to BELIEVE, -- I KNOW.
Thanks for all the work you've put into
this in order to share.
Now go have a great vacation. Hi Neil! I ordered your full set in July, I think, and I LOVE IT!!! I have a book I would like to self-publish in the same style that you have done yours. Do you have a recommendation for where to do that? Are you happy with your publishers, and how would I go about it? My brain is being more creative than ever, thanks to your research!! I appreciate what you've done to help more of us be in tune with these expanded energies on the planet right now. Your techniques make it an adventure instead of something to fear. Other info: I am a devotee of Hairakhan Babaji, who was on the planet in India from 1970 to 1984. I'm coordinator of the Babaji Website: I have a couple of books written more by Him than by me.. it's time to get these out. Hope you're not too busy to answer.
OM Namah Shivaya
Neil, [NEIL: I mentioned on an Art Bell appearance "Brain Teleportation" that seems to occur once in a blue moon- your frontal lobes/brain/advanced-?-neural energy actually manipulating the physical location of objects when your survival or intense needs makes paranormal abilities necessary. People began to email their own similar stories, a couple shown here below:]
Hi Neil, Hi Neil,,br> Yesterday about 4 pm, I started to walk out of Safeway, but remembered I'd wanted to indulge in one of their 25-cent cans of cola before going back outside into the heat. Thinking I shouldn't be drinking a 1-pound-of- sugar/chemical/carbonated/possibly gov't-black-op-tainted cocktail anyway (and that if I was, I ought to be at least getting a better tasting kind--like an actual coke with extra cola syrup!), I zipped right back to the pop machine regardless, to get my cold Safeway "Select" cola! I made my way on toward the automatic entrance/exit glass doors where on the way in I'd passed (I presume.--since I didn't notice!) a table with books stacked on them. As I began to pass it again-this time on my way out-, my eyes fell on "MY" book: on the highest stack, southwest corner, the corner of it already jutting out into space--just waiting for me to pick it up at the closest & most noticeable spot for anyone passing in that direction to see on the whole table!
Turned out it was a $1 used book sale for Lung Disease. --This is one
of my favorite books of all time. Over the years I have bought it full
price several times & given it away or loaned it out. I'd been waiting &
waiting for this one person to return it to me from the most recent
Well, needless to say--the book that was sitting there with the title in big bold that letters nobody could miss & that just seemed to be waiting there for me to pick it up, ...WAS the very book in question!! ..I even looked inside to see if it was my own actual book that had somehow ended up here! It wasn't, but it didn't have to be; the whole thing was startling enough!!
I certainly hadn't noticed that table let alone anything on it as I'd
come in, and if I hadn't gone back for my "cola", I would've been
rushing out in just a certain "trajectory" that the book & table would
not even have been in my line of vision.! (There were no people around
this table. I even had to go find the proper person far off in another
part of the store to give my money to. Maybe this doesn't seem so freaky
to some people, but yesterday, ("under the circumstances"). with me just
staring into the face of this book that suddenly pops out at me, I also
kind of (kind of!) felt like I was the only one to whom it was visible!
the whole thing seemed just a wee bit Twilight Zone-y!)...
Not exactly finding the exact thing I lost, whisked away to
re-materialize elsewhere in my realm --but sorta! ..& it did happen
just yesterday late afternoon. I was still marveling at it into last
night and this morning! --Since your thing happened last night & I got
your email this a.m., I thought I'd just mention it to you!
Neil -- Got up the next day and went to work as usual, came home again ... and remembered where I had left my crystal ball. I felt the bed covers, checked under the bed, and ... nothing. Gave up looking. Next day: off to work, back home. Unlocked the bedroom door, and there sitting on my bed in plain sight was my crystal ball!
Is this weird, or what?
My brother was living with my husband and I at the time. We lived way out in the country and there was a little grocery store and resturant just a mile down the road from us. He was living with us for approxiatmatly a month, when one morning he gets up, getting ready for work he started looking for his watch, wallet, and a ring he wore. He'd take these off at night and put them beside his bed on a end table. He came to me and asked if by chance I'd seen these things, of course I didn't see them, although I was quiet aware he had these things because he wore them everyday. So, he ended up going to work without finding them.......In the meantime I searched the house as well, but to no avail, no where in sight.. That night he'd came home, and asked if by chance I found them???? No, I said" So, he ended up going to bed that night without knowing what had happened to them. The next morning he went to the little grocery store to get something for lunch that day. He went to work, when he returned home that night,well guess what??? He came in with his watch, wallet,and ring.!!!!!! He told me when he went to check out his groceries. he looked down on the counter and saw his things laying there. He asked the clerk if someone found these here in the store, or brought them in? She said she doesn't remember anyone finding them, or bringing them in, she said they were laying there on the counter that morning when she came in and opened the store. So he proceeded to tell her they were his things!!!! So proving it with his drivers license in the wallet laying there she told him to take them....... He couldn't figure how in the world they could of wound up there???? ME EITHER! We sort of blew if off at the time, thinking he may of put them down somewhere and someone found them and took them to the store. Well, the weird thing was it continued for quite sometime, He got use to going every morning down to the store to fetch his things! And the store clerk was always waiting for him to show up to give them to him!!!!!!! because they were always there when she opened the store first thing. This REALLY Happened...I was there........ P.S. That's just one story of some of the things that happened while we lived in the house....Believe it or not.'
With Best Regards
I feel such a need to apologize to you for my abruptness a few weeks ago,
when I had not received my books after a couple of weeks (Sherry Grandt). I
was wanting to take them on vacation with me, and I received the books the
next day after talking with you and was able to take them with us.
I was just so pleasantly surprised to get the personal call from you, and
really felt like something of a *=%@ for sending you the neasty email..
Please accept my sincere apology. [NEIL" Its biggie- this letter more than makes up for it]
I have been popping clouds right and left. I have not found where you
mention auras in you books. I can see auras around people and just this
Tuesday became able to see the chakras. The brain is truly a marvelous thing.
Thank you just for spreading the news.
Dear Neil, For reference in replying, I am an astronomer and physicist, musician, and philosophy graduate. I have studied some psychology too, but your Brain Magic is a breakthrough and an inspiration. I was in a glorious sunny scene on a Puget Sound beach with blue sky and banks of white and gray clouds. I chose a section of white cloud. For a few minutes nothing happened, then a bright mist appeared to come pulsing from my eyes or forehead just in front of my vision, and at the same time the cloud I had targeted and an area around it looked magically lit up and obscured behind a brilliant veil of green, gold, white, and light rose. The colors had an exotic quality, almost iridescent. I experienced this haze while the pulsing occurred in my vision (I think the pulse was every three seconds or so, slower than a heartbeat), and with that the cloud disintegrated very quickly. Then I tried a piece of a misty charcoal-colored cloud nearby in the foreground against the white cumulus, and after a few minutes the same thing happened. In both events none of the background clouds or other clouds moved a bit. Thank you so much for writing your wonderful book and being gracious in correspondence about it.
Dear Neil, What's more amazing is my pets noticed this as well. They were trying to get me to pet them and pay attention to them. They knew that if I was to focus on something and redirect my energies I would get back to myself. I mean it was just wild. They seem to tune to in to me. It was like they were saying sit down and shut up and don't go there! Focus!! Hope you have done some research on animals...they are flat psychic if you ask me...fully flipped forward!!
I love this brain stuff!!! THANKS A MILLION!!
Many Blessings..
Hey Neil , |
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Your Amazing Brain Adventure is a web site all about Tickling Your Amygdala- i.e. turning on the best part of your brain as easy as clicking on a light switch. This is done as easily as imagining a feather inside of your head stimulating a compass, the amygdala. The amygdala is a set of twin organs, a part of your brain that sits right in between the most advance part of your brain- the frontal lobes and pre-frontal cortex- and the most primitive part of your brain- your "reptile brain" and brain stem. By tickling your amygdala you instantly and directly increase creativity, intelligence, pleasure, and also make possible a spontaneous natural processes known as "paranormal abilities", although such things as telepathy and ESP are really as natural as breathing, or as easy doing simple math in your head. The ability to self stimulate the amygdala by something as simple as thought has been proven in laboratory experiments, such as those conducted at Harvard University research labs, 1999-2009, and can be tracked with modern brain scanning machines such as fMRI and PET... Indeed, thought is faster than light.
Other sites of interest: is a painting site dedicated to learning how to paint a car yourself, even if you've never painted a car before. You can refinish your car to professional standards at home, better than if you take it to someone else, and enjoy doing it at a fraction of the cost of having it done in an expensive shop. You can repair dents, rust, and use the most durable real automotive paint, and even learn to apply it without any special or expensive gear, in a safe and enjoyable manner. Paint your car in your garage, car port, or even driveway. You can spray, use an HVLP gun, or even use a roller.
Easy Make A Kindle and Your Own Publishing are sites about self-publishing and writing, and how any person can publish materials, print, online, and electronic books. You can drop out of the corporate slave labor rat race and own your own life by writing and distributing your own books on the subject that you know best. is a web site about escaping from the ridiculous cost of ink jet printer ink refilling- and refilling your printer for pennies instead of $70 a shot. It also has useful tips about maintaining ink jet printers, especially Canon brand printers.
Julia Lu Painting is all about the creative works of Chinese painter Julia Lu, a modern master of oil and water color painting. Julia shares her creative secrets, ideas, as well as her art work.
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