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Manu <> I just finished reading the eBook of The Book of Wands. Dude, it totally rocked! P.S. Let me say a little more about how good it was: it's one of the best books I ever read. It's not just a book, but a Tool to help change your consciousness. It sets a new standard for what books are capable of doing, and for what I personally aspire to write someday. My deepest thanks for the book. Sent from my iPod -Best Wishes, Manu (from Seattle)
"Jim" <>
-James Mullica, Hollywood Screenwriter * * *
"Neil, I ordered your book,
and its been an adventure ever since. I just finished reading and
its been AMAZZZING. So Refreshing so Creative so Magical- so
MIND EXPANDING. Just WOW." -James Sousa "Hi Neil, What an amazing book The Book of Wands is. My name is James, I'm 31 years old, I live in Ottawa Canada, I've been listening to Coast To Coast recently and I stumbled upon your show 2 days ago in the archive section. Wands in the title caught my attention right away and I had to listen, I ordered your book online- The book Of Wands is so Refreshing so Creative so Magicial, Mind Expanding and that you have been putting more of your energy into it, for the last year. WOW. Thank you so much for doing what you do. My eyes were watery at some parts and my emotions vibrating all over the place. Man can I relate to your experiences about girls, finding your own way, the journey, so much. I have a burning drive to learn, be happy and find my path in this crazy world. I find your read so inspirational I just wanna climb the highest mountain in my area and take it all in. I've had experiences 3 or 4 times in my life where maybe my frontal lobes have PoPPed like you say, the sensation was a surge starting at the top of my head, then like a super explosion of energy that blasted my mind and flowing threw my body that lasted about 10 to 15 seconds and I had such a peaceful clear feeling afterwards. The first couple of times this has happened to me I thought I was dieing but now I just let it happen and enjoy it when it comes. I am so excited about the possibility of traveling to other realities, it so fascinating to me. You have lifted my spirits so much, I just wanna THANK YOU sooo much for sharing your experience with me. -James." * * *
"Cheryl " <>
It has been a
total BLAST reading it. I've read your stuff, fiddled
around with a feather but really was only dusting
until NOW. Thanks!
From: "G.
Joseph " <>
1100+ Total Pages
Tom Meyers
"Just couldn't put it down.
And yes wands are real... I only had forgotten!"
*** “I just finished reading Secret of The Dormant Brain Lab- The Book of Wands 1- Let me say a little more about how good it was: It's one of the best books I ever read. It's not just a book, but a Tool to help change your consciousness. It sets a new standard for what books are capable of doing.” - Manu Morris” ***
"It would be my pleasure to have my letter on your site, as your material has done so much for me, in such short time. The Book Of Wands is so Refreshing so Creative so Magicial, SO Mind Expanding and that you have been putting more of your energy into it, for the last year. I really don't know what to say, its gonna be better and more Powerful than it already is, WOW. Thank you so much for doing what you do :-) James."
5.0 out of 5 stars A Brilliant Read! "The Book of Wands is a brilliant
read, both as a humorous story, and as a guide for awakening what we may
call the "magical" side of life. Being an experienced practitioner
already, I still found this book refreshing and rewarding to read. Neil
presents valuable information on a subject little understood in our
culture, and his presentation is very fresh and original, using his own
life story as a teaching tool for others to understand. 5.0 out of 5 stars :) Time well spent.
"I think its a wonderful book :) I found
it to be imaginative and funny. It's very personal. I feel like the book was
a labor of love and Neil really put his heart and soul into writing it. It's
his life story, his memoirs. I loved it. I've read it twice now. And let me
tell you, that is no small feat! :| This book is super long. But its not
boring-long. Its the kind of book that I wanted to read cover to cover in
one sitting. But that isn't possible because there's just so much of it.
"A Masterpiece in every way." - Jim O'Brien, author, screenwriter.
ALSO IN PRINT and INSTANT ONLINE DOWNLOAD VOLUME 1 of The Book of Wands: Secret of The Dormant Brain Lab Niles Abercrumby and The Book of Wands - Volume 1
Secret of the Dormant Brain Lab is the new 2011 revised Book One (only) of the Complete Book of Wands. It includes an additional 30% more new stories and material, plus a improved chronology of that period of Nile's life not found in the original complete Book of Wands. This book primarily tells the story of Niles at Stingo's Brain lab from 1982-1993.
The Complete Book of Wands includes the first edition of "Secret", plus the next three books in the Quadrilogy covering the period from 1993 to present. (See above, only as Online Download for ALL eBooks, Kindle, Nook, and ALL Computers PC, MAC using the free Adobe reader and Kindle Readers).
The auto-biographical TRUE TALE of Neil Slade and his 11 years with brain researcher T.D.A. Lingo- but uniquely written as a novel-
Based on
TRUE EVENTS, only the names have
been changed in this otherwise fantastic and wholly unique tale.
“I just finished reading Secret of The Dormant Brain Lab- Let me say a little more about how good it was: It's one of the best books I ever read. It's not just a book, but a Tool to help change your consciousness. It sets a new standard for what books are capable of doing”- Manu Morris”
"It would be my pleasure to have my letter on your site, as your material has done so much for me, in such short time. The Book Of Wands is so Refreshing so Creative so Magicial, SO Mind Expanding and that you have been putting more of your energy into it, for the last year. I really don't know what to say, its gonna be better and more Powerful than it already is, WOW. Thank you so much for doing what you do :-) James."
Includes: ALL 6 NEIL SLADE BRAIN BOOKS (except Book of Wands) 40 Hours Audio Books and Music (MP3) "The AMAZING BRAIN ADVENTURE" Feature Film Widescreen Version Plus Tons of Brain Bonus Material
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Each physical order for a limited time includes the 80 Minute"Tickle Your Amygdala" Audio CD
Turning on the best part of your brain can be as simple as imagining a feather inside your head. And now, the latest brain science and brain imaging has proven that thought really is the most incredible Mind Over Gray Matter!
The Amygdala has been a non-secret since this little magic brain button started appearing in mammals over 65 million years ago. It’s just that your kindergarten teacher- and everybody else- forgot to explain this to you after you finished putting away your blocks.
This book will show you how to turn on the most powerful Brain Radar in the entire You-Niverse. It’s waiting for you right between your ears.
Part One: The Illustrated Tickle Your Amygdala is a fun, simple, and quick explanation to help you get the general idea of what amygdala tickling is all about.
Part Two: The Amygdala Tickling Three Course Gourmet Presentation includes "Detailed Explanations of Amygdala Tickling”, "Amygdala Interviews”, and "Ways to Do It”, including the science behind amygdala tickling and 52 Ways to Tickle- That’s a new way to turn on the best part of your brain for every week of the year.
Featuring Neil's 56 conversations with: Marilyn Auer Editor-in-Chief Bloomsbury Review, Jeff Bailey Vegas Dealer, Dr. Lawrence Blair Psycho-Anthropologist, Josh Blue Comedian and Winner of "Last Comic Standing", Laurel Bouchier Acupuncturist, Jim Casart CPA, Dr. Cheryl Chessick, M.D., Psychiatrist, Paul Conly Pioneering Rock Musician, Vic Cooper Automotive Repair and Refinish Expert, Eric Daanger Musician , Sean Danato History-Psychology, Suzanna Del Vecchio International Oriental Dance Artist, Paul Epstein Musicphile/Businessman, Mark Foster Percussionist, Walter Gerash U.S. Supreme Court Attorney, Ina Hambrick Yoga School Owner/Teacher, Shari Harter Enquiring Mind, Glenda Heath Masseuse, Sarah Jaeger Ceramic Artist, Terry Jones founding member Monty Python’s Flying Circus, Bernd Jost Senior Publishing Editor Rowohlt Verlag, Paul Kashman Newspaper Owner, Ramon Kelley International Artist, Shirley Kenneally Recording Studio Owner, Dr. Stanley Kerstein, M.D., Physician, Julia Lu Artist, Jean Massey Behavior-Guidance Counselor, Mike McCartney Music Teacher, Michelle McCosky Apple/IBM Software, Tom Meyers Osteopath, Gary Michael Speaker/Consultant, Kent Miller Attorney, James Mullica Screenwriter, Dr. Robert Neuman M.D., Neurosurgeon, George Noory Talk Radio Show Host, Nils Olaf Psychiatrist, Marie-Louise Oosthuysen Brain Researcher, Bobby Reginelli Journalist, Robert Reginelli Sr. Stockbroker, Will Rickards Mountaineer, Kyle Ridgeway Physical Therapy-Neuroscience, Debra Ann Robinson Meditation Instructor, Broz Rowland Record Producer, Chuck Schneider Jazz Musician, Robert Schneider Writer, Dr. Britt Severson, M.D. Physician, Steven Snyder World Class Piano Technician, Elizabeth Slowley Massage Therapist, Palma Lee Stephens Neuro-Transcriptionist, Nancy Talbott Scientific Crop Circle Research, Thomas Taylor Barista, Karl Teriki Brain Education, Scout Wise Film Maker, Sky Wise Author, and even a few words from Frank Zappa Musician.
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"The Book Of Wands", "Tickle Your Amygdala", "Click Your Amygdala", "Frontal Lobes Supercharge",
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