TIPPY is Neil
second collection of pop/rock songs and saxophone thrills (after
Amygdala Brainbites). It has
a lot of "tongue in cheek" humor, as well as more straight serious
instrumental virtuosity with a
number of saxophone instrumental selections in the second half.
(See samples and reviews, below).
N.S.- All instruments
(guitars, alto saxophone, bass, keyboards, synthesizers, drum
programming, vocals).
14 Tracks, 46
1. Tippy #1
2. Shauna
3. Cosmic bike
4. Couch
5. Mr. Future
6. The Way
7. Lost In Space
8. Aural Exciter
9. Tippy #2
10. Cindy
11. A Refined Mud Pie
12. Bloomdido (Charlie Parker)
13. Scaramouche (Carious Milhaud)
14. Concerto For Sax (Henri Tomasi)
Release date, 1998
Re-mastered 2019
All compositions by N.S. except
where noted. |
(also see the
Shauna Page)
Cosmic Bike
(sax instrumental)
Review by
MICHAEL ROBERTS, Denver Westword Magazine, Music Editor
Tippy, from the cranium of Denver's Neil slade,
reminded me of Seventies vintage Todd Rundgren in its
juxtaposition of pure pop melodies, sometimes arch lyrics,
challenging structural conceits and substantial ambition.
"Shauna," "Couch" and several others are extremely humable,
yet they also ask for (and reward) closer inspection. So does
the concluding "Concerto for Saxophone, 1st Mov.," a
sprightly journey through several decades of American musical
TIPPY is Neil Slade's latest musical offering. This
fine effort seems to be divided into two distinct programs;
the first a compilation of original, contemporary pop/rock
tunes incorporating tight arrangements with intersting use of
instrumental textures as well as harmonic colors unusual for
the genre. I particularly like the pensive Aural Exciter and
the playful Cindy which seems to be a tribute to Tommy James
and the Shondells.
The second half of this recording is a, dare I say,
more cerebral approach which includes Neil's Zappa influenced
A Refined Mud Pie as well as a cookin' version of Charlie
Parker's Bloomdido and readings of two pieces by classical
composers Darius Milhaud and Henri Tomasi.
This is a finely crafted work which amply demonstrates
Neil's eclectic approach to music. He does some nice sax and
synth solo work and really seems to know his way around the
studio. by the way, Dee Netzel does some nice piano work and contributes
greatly to the high level of excellence on this recording.
(Patrick Oliver is a Denver area pianist who has
performed with Hubert Laws, Bobby Shew, Bill Frisell, and
Teddy Edwards among others.
Neil Slade Album and Concert Reviews
(In Concert)
by WESTON WELLS, Denver Academy
On Saturday, March 2, Neil Slade performed a concert, the
likes of which you've never seen. Libraries are normally a
quiet haven for the socially timid. But the Cherry Creek
Branch of the Denver Public Library now has a new reputation,
and broke the old stuffy mold when Neil Slade and friends
came out of retirement and shattered the hallowed library
Greeting audience at the entrance was the ubiquitous
"Brain X", a mascot and driving force behind this one man
hurricane (Brain-X being a real human brain in a jar on educational loan from
Colorado's Dormant Brain Research and Development
Laboratory). Assisting Neil at this show, was the rhythm
devil of the day- Fred Poindexter, a palpitating
percussion personality who magnified the effect of the music
in logarithmic fashion.
Ensorcelling the audience as always were the
multifaceted talents of Neil "that funky brain man" Slade,
who picked up instruments as naturally as a housewife picks
up ripe fruit from the produce section at Safeway. No
instrument felt left out from the cornucopia of aural
delicacies- acoustic and electric guitars, the mysterious
"Zo" guitar , voice, and acoustic piano. Poindexter pounded out the
beat on a plethora of primitive and modern drums, like a mad
blacksmith forging raw steel.
The large community room was filled to the gunnels:
standing room only- all seats were filled. Reactions typical
of the broad based audience were: "Neil played with such
vigor and enthusiasm, it was like the music exploded out of
his chest!", and "My amygdalas clicked forward at the
beginning of the show- and something really freaky happened
to my brain!"
During the hour long set, including a short but
informative brain anatomy pause, nobody was seen leaving even
to go to the bathroom, despite gallons of free lemonade.
There was consistent quality of performance, as well as
variety, from the eerie yet sublime "Submarine" to the snappy
and superlative "Shauna". Apparently the inclusion of many
new songs from Slade's newest release "Tippy" hypnotized the
audience into helpless submission in a most delightful
After the show, library patrons were guided through the
mind boggling maze of the Internet by Slade. He led ecstatic
"newbies" on a journey through cyberspace, with a stop at his
very own extensive World Wide Web Site, "Neil Slade's Amazing Brain Music Adventure" (http://www.BrainRadar.com).
In conclusion, if you are looking for explosive musical
neural pleasures, look no further than the latest offering
from Neil Slade Music and Company.
Neil Slade's
The Amazing Brain
Playable on ALL Computers and Portable Devices,
Burnable to CD

USA Only
Physical CD
Includes 1st Class Postage