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Easy Paint Your Car Contains: 1) 80-Page Printable and Computer Viewable Illustrated Online eBook Manual 2) 62 Minutes of Windows Media Movie Demonstration Clips 3) 12 Detailed Still Photo Images of Finished Demonstration Surfaces Complete~! This is the absolute totally Affordable COMPLETE Guide to Painting Your Car, Truck, Boat, Motorcycle, Bicycle or anything else. Includes body surface repair of dents, rust, and holes for metal or fiberglass. Learn to paint indoors, outdoors, any time of year, with a minimum of expense and equipment- for SUPERIOR results.
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FOREWORD First of all let me say I am delighted that this page has proven so popular, and that it has been the #1 page on Yahoo and Google for the search "HOW TO PAINT A CAR" and similar searches for several years now- with TEN TIMES the visits of the next nearest site. Read REAL Feedback From People Like You Why? Because IT WORKS, ITS EASY, and You Can Achieve FULLY First Class Permanent Pro Results taught by someone who's been a teacher for 30 years. And I make it affordable to everyone to learn how. And no- You can't get good instruction from watching just a YouTube video (slyly made to sell Google advertising), or reading a piece-of-junk manual given away to lure you into spending big bucks on an overpriced web course or DVD. BEWARE the web sites created by CEOs to generate advertising income. (Monster, eHow, etc). I just looked at a couple of these today- oh my god. They have a lot of bad information, contain mistakes, and leave out so many important things you NEED to KNOW. Then I read the "free" stuffed-with-junk manual given away on another $$$$$ site. OMG. I wouldn't wish that kind of "help" on anyone. I will show you how to do a GREAT job on your car- simply, and affordably, with instructions that tell you what you need to know without spending a bundle. HERE, you'll get the BEST INFO shown and explained in the most clear way possible. The EXACT Methods used by the best automotive and repair people anywhere- people who are my best friends.
The page has LOTS of unsolicited testimonials to show what people like you are getting from this page and my materials-- so you know this is REAL, and really USEFUL info. AND I AM HERE 7 DAYS A WEEK, TO PERSONALLY ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS WHEN YOU NEED TO KNOW- (not some fake "customer support" person who doesn't actually know a thing about this kind of work.) There have been literally dozens, perhaps hundred of web sites that have sprung up since I first published this page in 2003. Unfortunately for the budding person interested in learning how, many of these sites are poorly done, some impressive looking ones contain obvious mistakes , others leave out things "till next month" (!) Some "systems" have so much extra junk you will be completely confused. Here- I stick to the ESSENTIALS, and all you need to know to do a FIRST CLASS job and general body repair. I won't waste your time or money trying to show you how to put flames on your car or how to make your doors into gullwings. You won't have to suffer through the same bad advice I was subject to when I first started. Congratulations! If you find it helpful, then you can get further inexpensive and totally affordable online instant download information and/or the DVD. I help you, you help me survive, and I keep improving this page and materials. Human to human here, :-) Make sure and read my additional notes at the bottom. You can end up with a far better finish than your local cheap OR expensive outside service. Why? Because you may care more than the actual guy working on your car for $12.50 an hour. That's a good reason why you should find out how to do this yourself. Above all, have fun, and enjoy your finished work! We have now created a very practical and foolproof 80 page illustrated manual (color photo version download), 62 minute online video download, and/or DVD/CD that you may purchase and keep with you out in the garage and watch on your computer and/or DVD player - so please consider picking one of these up. These will be priceless for guiding and helping you. (I keep the price inexpensive, because these days, everyone is eager to save a little money where ever they can.) So, enjoy!
How to Paint A Car, Truck, Motorcycle, Bicycle, or Anything Else! Made Easy, With Beautiful and Expert Results
Check out this!! Neil does his LOTUS ELAN
Also of great interest:
THINK and INK Our New Brain Inkjet Ink Tests--
THE REAL SCOOP ON PAINTING YOUR CAR The reason I learned how to do this myself is because I owned a rare collector car that would have cost me $3000-$4000 minimum to have done by someone else- and it needed it. AND, I could not afford this. So, I contacted one of my friends, perhaps the best expert on fiberglass repair and body work anywhere, Mr. Vic Cooper in Denver. He regularly works on the most expensive, the most exotic passenger and race cars, from Lotuses to Lambos to hot rods. He taught me how to do this over a long period of time. Since I am a writer and film maker (and he and other experts I knew are not), I translated everything I learned from him into a form that people could easily learn from right off the web. I further received regular advice from automotive finishing veterans like Jim Lyons, people who are the best anywhere at what they do. I spent months learning what works, and what doesn't work- and when I was done I had done my first car, my white Lotus that you see on the book cover. It turned out perfectly. And the method I used can be applied to any vehicle, fancy or plain, big or small, boat or car, truck, bike, or motorcycle.
There are tons of BAD books and DVDs that look good on the surface, but in practical use were complicated and had stuff in there that was unnecessary. I wanted to make material available that WORKED as advertised, and was not overly complicated or poorly written. Learning how to do this should be easy- and it IS. You may find yourself in a similar position looking at your vehicle- but without having done this previously, or have done it making many mistakes and not having things turn out so good. You may not know anyone who knows how to do this, or has the time to show you. I will show you, because it is my business teaching people- and I've been a teacher for 35 years. You can now enjoy and learn from someone with over 3 decades experience communicating effectively.
You will need a spray gun, a compressor, the paint, some miscellaneous small tools, sandpaper, and a certain amount of patience. You can do it in a car port, garage, booth, or even in your driveway- you decide what is best for you. You can borrow or rent the gun and compressor and save money that way, and pay about $100 for the basic materials. (You can buy premium materials as well, and optionally spend more). You will also need odds and ends which you may or may not have, light solvents, gloves, an air respirator, and other small items necessary. Or, you can spend about $250 on the gun and compressor, own it permanently and do lots of things with it for the rest of your life- use it for your walls and house, air clean stuff, run other tools with it, etc. If you have a special car a collector car, plan on spending a lot of time sanding and re-sanding, and fine sanding, and polishing, and correcting your mistakes, and doing body work. If you don't have an extra $3000 sitting around, this may be your only choice- AND you can do it, and come up with an absolutely gorgeous job. I will show you how, and my methods come from THE BEST EXPERTS possible. If you just have an old car and would rather do it yourself than spend $300 or $400 at the budget shops for a mediocre job that they will do, you can do it quickly and end up with a finish as good if not better than such shops, and spend a minimum amount of time doing it- although you will still need the materials and equipment you don't already own, and a place to do it. You can get the Easy How To download or DVD (it is dirt cheap), or just read through the basics on this page and get a good idea of what you will need to do. Okay....you decide. No bull here. The best adventure to you!
Universal DVD Sent Immediately by Mail $15.95 - Free Postage (International Order Below)
1) 80 page Color Illustrated Easy How To Paint Your Car Manual on DVD (both Word and PDF printable)
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Chapters: 1) Introduction 2) Working Environment Options 3) Additional Tips and Technology History 4) Materials List 5) Materials Photos 6) Procedure Outline 7) Sanding and Body Filler Materials and Tools 8) Surface Preparation and Repair 9) Primer: Mixing and Applying 10) Color and Clear Coats: Mixing and Applying 11) Smart Clean Up 12) The Finished Product 13) Finish Polishing
Order PRINTED VERSION Manual with Video Here
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Once you learn how to paint a car- you can paint ANYTHING!
Your Amazing Brain Adventure is a web site all about Tickling Your Amygdala- i.e. turning on the best part of your brain as easy as clicking on a light switch. This is done as easily as imagining a feather inside of your head stimulating a compass, the amygdala. The amygdala is a set of twin organs, a part of your brain that sits right in between the most advance part of your brain- the frontal lobes and pre-frontal cortex- and the most primitive part of your brain- your "reptile brain" and brain stem. By tickling your amygdala you instantly and directly increase creativity, intelligence, pleasure, and also make possible a spontaneous natural processes known as "paranormal abilities", although such things as telepathy and ESP are really as natural as breathing, or as easy doing simple math in your head. The ability to self stimulate the amygdala by something as simple as thought has been proven in laboratory experiments, such as those conducted at Harvard University research labs, 1999-2009, and can be tracked with modern brain scanning machines such as fMRI and PET... Indeed, thought is faster than light.
Easy Make A Kindle and Your Own Publishing are sites about self-publishing and writing, and how any person can publish materials, print, online, and electronic books. You can drop out of the corporate slave labor rat race and own your own life by writing and distributing your own books on the subject that you know best.
InkJetHelper.com is a web site about escaping from the ridiculous cost of ink jet printer ink refilling- and refilling your printer for pennies instead of $70 a shot. It also has useful tips about maintaining ink jet printers, especially Canon brand printers.
Julia Lu is all about the creative works of Chinese artist Julia Lu, a modern master of oil and water color art. Julia shares her creative secrets, ideas, as well as her art work.
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