Welcome to this page
dedicated to inkjet printers and ink--- the NO BALONEY review and
info page. Almost EVERY commercial and even non-commercial printer review and
inkjet info shortchanges the consumer- and ignores long term usage
problems, and practical application of printers and ink.
PAGE LOOKS AT EVERYTHING beyond the superficial claims and typical shallow
reviews- typical reviews that GREATLY MISLEAD users and buyers of inkjet
printers and ink.
This has turned out to
be the SECOND most popular page on my entire site- which you MUST visit
when you are done here- THE AMAZING BRAIN
ADVENTURE LAB. If you think this printer page is good- just wait till you
explore the Brain pages- Click on Briana to visit Brain
Adventure Books for the most
amazing adventure of your life.
page is receiving THOUSANDS of hits a day, and I am constantly revising this
page as new information comes in, so bookmark this page, and visit
info on the new season of Canon printers is down the page, in which I compare
with last year's superlative models.
Neil's MAIN Suggestions SUMMARY:
1) Don't go broke buying overpriced inkjet
We have now found suppliers who actually offer ink cartridges at fair prices.
Nearly EVERY
retailer, and most internet sources we have found charges at least 300% to
600% times the price of these companies. We've tested their inks- they
work wonderfully, and
a fraction of the cost of the OEM ink you pay through the nose for.
These are NOT
paid endorsements in any way, just passing on our research in this area, more details
We've tested several custom formula third party inks against Canon (and some
Epson) factory ink cartridges and there
is little reason- except for greed- that anyone should be paying $20- $60 to refill
their inkjet printers. It is obscene. Details below on this page.
2) For large quantities of printing by
professionals and artists, REFILL your cartridges for a fraction of store bought
carts. Details below- DON'T use off the shelf refill kits, however. Your ink
will cost you1/20th the price of regular refills. There are Continuous
Flow Systems available- these come with their own set of problems however,
again details below...
3) If
you need a printer, I suggest any Canon desktop regular printer at the mid-price
range, $100 or more (i.e. models i560, i860, i960, i900D, i9100,i9900) rather
than anything else. I don't have any info on the small mini-portable printers,
but will tell you this, the ink cartridges are pretty tiny.
REGARDING the new line of Canon printers: Okay, Canon
printers BEAT ALL, no question. But the new season of printers, the PIXMA
printers are a de-evolution of last years superlative i-series printers- which
were PERFECT. Alas, most companies are guilty of planned obsolescence, and often
make changes for changes-sake to sell new printers. I recommend the
Canon i960 above EVERY printer made-- but they are being phased out, so get one
while you can, found for about $135 online these days.
The i960 offers the fastest, most
vivid, most highest detailed, sharpest imaging of ANYTHING,
including all other Canon models. It is the LOTUS ELAN, the Ferrari, the Acura
NSX of inkjet printers.
The new $179 PIXMA IP6000 is 6 color, but only as fast as the
i960 at lower resolutions. Higher resolutions, its slower- for the same speed as
the i960 at all resolutions, you need the 8500. For many people, the ip600 or
ip600d -adds an LCD for computerless printing with select cameras-
($179 at Best Buy) will work very well with minimum expense.
The the i9900 prints as nicely as the
960, but is much more expensive, and requires two additional colors (red
and green) that you don't really need. It does allow for bigger prints if
you really need that. The i9100 is a better deal, big tray, and 6 color,
though microscopically not as absolutely fine as the 960- naked eye, might
not be able to tell the difference. A very very very minor difference in
printing between the 9100 and the 960 This printer is/has been phased out.
The IP8500 again is much more expensive than
the older i960, requires the two additional inks, and is for all
purposes the same speed as the 960.
All of the other PIXMA printers are
only 4 color with an additional black, equivalent to the i560 models. These are
good printers and suitable for most consumers, but not as good as the 6 or 8
color printers for really semi-pro or pro use.
AND 8 color printers (9900 and 8500)
will require two more color cartridges for not a big difference in results. More
money, less bang for the buck.
SO- get one of the i-series while you still
can-- ink will be available for years and years to come, and you'll get more for
your printer money, absolutely. When the time comes and you can't
get an i series printer-- the new PIXMA printers are still going to give you
better results and reliability than ANY other companies machines.
I do NOT work for Canon.
Avoid any printer under $100 unless you are a broke student or just need
something cheap for very occasional use, or you really are not picky about the
quality you get..
4) You can refill
your laser printers with toner yourself, recycling the cartridge, for 1/5th the
cost of just replacing the whole cartridge. This is fairly easy in most cases.
Details at the bottom of this page.
A Continuous Flow System (end of replacing ink cartridges, and superior ink
1/20th the cost of OEM) is now available for Canon printers using the BCI-6
carts (i960, s900, s9100, s800, etc- see below for details.) I'm using it now.
It appeared to work very well initially, but is beginning to fail after about 6
weeks. It can be fixed, but I hesitate to recommend at this time until further
bugs are worked out. Details below.
DO NOT expect your paper inkjet prints to look EXACTLY like the preview on your
monitor. Both flat LCD monitors and regular more common tube CRT monitors
PROJECT light to your eyes. Paper inkjet prints REFLECT light to your eyes--
color transmission is very different between a monitor and a paper print. Even
with the best calibration- and most people don't even approach this- a print and
you monitor will differ significantly in worst cases, and somewhat in best
cases. Adjust your printer color settings from what you see on actual prints.
You can calibrate your monitor to get close, but chances are, for the best color
rendition, look at the print and adjust accordingly.
Why is this a BRAIN review? Because often reviews are written
(even by third parties) which are done poorly, and with motives that may reflect
conflict of interests. This is an honest evaluation done by yours truly, seeking
the best quality and results for reasonable cost.
extensively all of the time, printing hundreds of photos every month and
THOUSANDS of documents and photos every year.
OFTEN, magazine and web reviews are
inaccurate- why? The people writing the reviews are COLUMNISTS, and rarely use
this stuff at a full time level. They make their conclusions based on short term
use, limited use, and frequently don't have the eye of a pro. They may have a
slanted bias for or against a printer for unexplained reasons. THEY ACCEPT PAID
ADVERTISING, duh- what do you think this does to accurate opinions, eh?
I've seen all kinds of BAD reviews regarding printers, as well as cameras. Take
any review in a commercial site or magazine with a grain of salt. I use my
printers ALL the time, and have for years.
I recently looked at the CNET reviews of
inkjet printers-- TOTAL CRAP. This is really bad information to be giving people
per their ratings, and I genuinely feel sorry for anyone buying a printer based
on these kinds of reviews. Irrelevant and inconsistent, and things CNET editors
judged relevant----OOOOO@! it actually makes me disgusted. The editors at CNET
are morons to publish these ratings- but then, they accept commercial
advertising. BEWARE!! of reviews on commercial sites!
The main players in the regular
inkjet and inkjet photo printer consumer market are Epson, HP, Canon, and
Lexmark. What I looked at was detail, correct color, speed, price, reputation,
reliability and ease of use. I spoke with representatives from the companies,
dealers, and used the equipment. I did this on my own then compared some
reliable expert reviews, and found that my results were in keeping with other
Any of today's inkjet printers
do a good job for general non-too-picky use, and if you only use your printer
occasionally, most printers will suffice.
But, if you've got a real eye for
quality and reliability-- WATCH OUT. For the same money you will spend on a
greatly lesser printer, you can get a printer way ahead of the crowd.
Given all things equal, SIX
color (5 colors plus black) printers are superior for lifelike and accurate
color over the FOUR color (three colors plus black) printers. This difference
may not be noticeable or important however to many people. For snapshots where
color imagery accuracy is not that important, it is a small difference. You will
pay more for six color systems than four color systems, as well as for the
ink. Look at the sample photos at the store- if you can't tell the
difference, and absolute color accuracy is not important to you- factor this
into your printer purchase/use decision. If you've got a decent eye, and you do
care and want the best- go 6 color.
are now 7 and 8 color printers out there-- in my opinion, forget it. This
is pure overkill. 6 color printers will now deliver the same quality as a
regular color photo lab. Add 2 more colors- what... do you drive a Humvee to get
to 7-11 and get your groceries also- when a Honda will get 3 times the gas
mileage, easier to park, a fraction of the cost? Two more colors add more
problems to deal with, that you really don't need. The payoff is minimal, if it
exists at all.
As far as ink goes, we have now
found outlets on the web that sell printer model specific outstanding quality ink
at a truly reasonable cost-- 1/6th the price of OEM ink or manufacturers
ink elsewhere. It's ink at the price IT SHOULD BE. See details below.
If you are replacing inkjet cartridges more than once every year (ha ha)
you should not be wasting money supporting greedy printing companies by
shelling out $50 for an ounce of ink. !!! How Canon, and Epson, and all
the rest rationalize charging outrageous prices for pennies worth of ink
is a story in corporate greed in itself. Okay, they make good printers--
charge fair prices for ink already.
this discussion comes up immediately when dealing with THIRD PARTY INK
SUPPLIERS. Don't make the assumption that anything other than name brand ink
will last a fraction of the life span predicted by $12 -$50 name brand ink
cartridge makers.
are ENORMOUS variables in what constitutes print life. Conditions, ink itself,
brand, paper, and how all of these interact. There is NO ONE ANSWER, and it is a
bad assumption to make that if you use the printer's ink and paper, you will get
the best results. Of course, that is what Canon, Epson, and HP would want you to
believe. God bless them, they've made great at-home photo printing possible- but
that's no excuse to gouge us for ink.
been using cheap Epson Glossy Photo paper ($20 for 120 8.5 X 11" sheets at
COSTCO) for years. I use third party CUSTOM FORMULA INK (not the generic off the
shelf one-ink-fits-all from Office Depot), which costs about 1/6 - 1/20 the
price of name brand ink depending on the packaging (4 oz bulk bottles cheaper,
obviously). I keep my prints hung on the wall with scotch tape in a brightly
sunlit room. I have yet to see and print fading or discoloration in 2 years of
any of my s900 or i960 prints. Maybe in ten years. The Canon FORMULA is
expected to last 25-27 years before ink degeneration- I would say this is very
If you need
DETAILED information on print life, then you need to do serious homework. Don't
take mainstream media propaganda (PC magazine for example) as God's word. Think
about WHO buys advertising in their magazine....Their own article on this
subject was VERY limited in it's sensationalist testing. Start here instead: http://www.wilhelm-research.com/index.html
read this: The MYTH of non-permanence of inkjet prints: http://www.wilhelm-research.com/pdf/Digital_Photo_Pro_May_2004/Digital_Photo_Pro_May_2004.pd
you are printing PROFESSIONALLY and selling your prints-- DO YOUR HOMEWORK. In
summary, Epson's with archival pigmented ink is the way to go to guarantee the
longest life. Canon printers won't take pigmented inks (with one exception).
the typical self-home user, however, Epson's have distinct DISADVANTAGES over
Canon printers. See below.
you are a home consumer use- use regular dyebase inks. They'll look better,
printer cheaper, and last plenty long enough provided you don't put your prints
in direct sunlight- even REAL color lab photos won't last in the sun- duh.
are four companies whom I have bought ink for my Canon printer at fair prices,
and I've had excellent results with each. Each company offers some unique
advantage for your situation, so look at them all, and see my detailed notes
about INK below.
I've spoken with
the actual manufacturer who supplies these distributors with their inks- very
honest, well informed people. I have no doubts- none- about the integrity of
their products and their equivalent quality to name brand inks.
ARCHIVAL INKS: All consumer inkjet printers start off using DYE based inks.
Archival PIGMENT inks are made, and offer better life-- at higher price. I
personally don't use them.
be aware, that feedback I've received from people using archival inks, is that
in general they do not yet quite equal regular dye based inks in brilliance and
accuracy- so that's the trade off. Do lots of homework if pigment inks interest
UPDATE, Sept. 21, 2004

gotten a few (actually very few) emails regarding the safety and color accuracy
of using the cheap $2 per color inkjet cartridges mentioned on this page. Out of
the thousands of page visitors, and many who have successfully used this ink,
I've received only two emails from people unhappy with this ink. I suspect it
was actually something other than the ink that they were having problems with--
either that, or their complaints were simple fictional set-ups from unhappy
competitors who charge far more for ink cart replacements-- don't scoff, this
I have absolutely no business
or personal relationship with Inkgrabber, MSI, Colorbat, or Computer Friends
companies. I have bought (not been given) all of their products with the
exception of the Colorbat CFS for which I was a tester. My interest in this
review and use of their product is strictly to promote quality alternatives to
what I consider vastly overpriced ink prices for inkjet printers. I have
used, and continue to use all of the products I have reviewed here. I have had
no problems with quality or lightfastness or printer clogging from the use of
ANY of these products, including MIS, Computer Friends, or Colorbat. Close
friends who use the same inks for their businesses as well, have not reported
any problems either.
Recently, Sept.23,
2004 I retested the color quality from Inkgrabber.com cartridges by
re-photographing my test print and comparing the original objects, the digital
image as seen on my calibrated Sony SDM-X72 17" digital input LCD monitor
(very high quality) with the prints using the various inks. I printed out the
8X10 with all Canon i960 settings on neutral using standard Epson Glossy Photo
paper. I am not posting any of these files or scans on this page, because they
don't come close enough to accurately reflect what I am seeing in person with my
Overall Inkgrabber impression:
The result was an accurate print, with pleasant color balance and a very
reasonably accurate reflection of the digital file and the original objects in
person, in all of the shades.
MIS ink impression: Again, really great accurate results. Twice as
expensive as Inkgrabber when you buy cartridges, but then half as
expensive as Inkgrabber carts when you buy 4oz to refill your cartridges - this
is the least expensive ink solution that gives absolutely flawless results. See
details on refilling carts down this page.
Canon impression: Hey, this is really EXPENSIVE ink. It looks great.
Better than any of the others? Nope.
unidentified prints on a table and compare-- none of the ink prints look
better than any of the others.
are VERY subtle differences in ink brand coloration-- when I say subtle, I mean
MICROSCOPICALLY subtle. The biggest difference I found in the magenta color from
one batch of Colorbat ink, which was a real anomaly in being just a hair too
intense for my liking. Otherwise, all other Colorbat ink colors were perfect,
and all other ink colors are interchangeable with one another.
Inkgrabber Magenta was best for accuracy in reds, hands down, even better than
Canon. Note, this is on Epson Glossy Photo paper, and other papers may give
slightly different results.
my experience over the past two years is simply this- any differences in ink
brands can easily be adjusted through your photo software as well as your
printer settings, and you can get excellent results with any of the inks in this
manner. !!
The biggest question I
think most people face is that of COST. Is the Canon color carts worth SIX TIMES
the cost of Inkgrabber carts, or TWENTY TIMES the cost of MSI bulk refill
ink? GOOD GRIEF, NO, especially considering I see better color from the
third party companies in many instances!
the Inkgrabber carts, these are manufactured in China (says so on the box). You
can thank Richard Nixon for opening communication with the Chinese. I initially
found out about this brand from a friend, and a year ago we tested prints made
from this ink, and directly compared it with prints made on the same printer
with the same settings. We doubted that we could detect any differences
whatsoever at that time. The only thing we could possibly pick up is that the
skin color tones from the Inkgrabber ink looked slightly closer and more
pleasant to actual skin tone, this year my impression is reversed- is that Canon
and MSI give a more olive complexion (mine) and the Inkgrabber tends towards
pinker complexion. Other than that, all object colors were good if not better
with both MSI and Inkgrabber over Canon.
Think of it like you do comparing Fuji film
and Kodak film- slightly different personality, sometimes extremely subtle,
other times more noticeable.
INSTEAD, for those who possibly could detect
the difference (and most of you may not) this can be adjusted extremely easily
to one's preference in printer color settings or in your photo software. You
are going to be making adjustments anyway when printing your best work- so this
is really not a big deal at all. In the Canon printers add or subtract a little
tiny bit of INTENSITY in the printer color preferences to adjust ink levels.
Simple, easy, save $10 or more a color.
used MIS ink in bulk for well over a year, and I've always been totally
satisfied and haven't had to make any adjustments to my printer settings
whatsoever from Canon carts. Colorbat representatives inform me that they use
the same manufacturer as MIS. My limited experience with the Colorbat bulk ink
seems to bear this out with the exception of their Magenta, which seemed too
dark. More re-tests with this ink coming soon, but so far, no complaints. And in
bulk, this is again half the price of filled Inkgrabber cartridges.
those of you to want to microscopically match Canon ink color (why why?)-- well
then-- you'll have to shell out $12 a cartridge (times 6 for a complete color
set) to do this. Considering the fact that if you are THAT sensitive to color,
you are going to be tweaking in Photoshop ANYWAY, so the idea of trying to
duplicate Canon carts when you're adjusting color in software to begin with
seems like a moot point.
you don't believe me, run your own tests. Spend $70+ for a set of Canon carts.
Then get a set of Inkgrabber carts for $15, or refill a set of carts with MIS or
Colorbat bulk ink. Make sure and flush the ink when you change carts by
running a big purge test print (from this page) or just run one light cleaning
cycle. You should easily be able to tweak the Inkgrabber test to more than
satisfactory levels, you might not be tweaking the other inks at all.
REMEMBER, the print must
dry for about 10 minutes before the color settles for accurate comparison.
you're not happy, okay, get out your wallet. Often.
the year this page has been up- I've only heard from two people who were not
happy with the inkgrabber ink. (Never from any MIS customers.) I suspect their
may have been some other problems involved that went far beyond the ink they
were using. I, nor others I know using this ink, have experienced any clogging
of the printer head or any other technical problem.
none of my prints have faded yet in the past year- I can't say anything about
permanence except- reprint in a few years if something fades. Don't put any
prints in the sunlight (this is true of color lab photos as well folks.)
are undoubtedly other companies that offer third party ink (why isn't it called
SECOND party anyway?...) which is of equal and good consistancy to the companies
I mention here. But since I haven't tried them, I won't recommend them
offhand- that wouldn't be responsible. I'll leave that to you to test others if
you are so inclined. If you find another good company- and you are NOT an
employee of that company- let us know in the INK
PRINTER, even if they give it to you for pennies. Why? because the chances of it
NOT having clogged printer nozzles is extremely remote. Demo printers sit on the
shelf for weeks and months, unused. Ink clogs the ink jets, and you will never
get them to work right. Don't even THINK about doing it.
I also do not
recommend the typical on-the-shelf cartridge ink re-fill kits, or
re-manufactured cartridges. This is not because I have anything against
recycling, but inkjet ink delivery systems is not as simple as you would think,
and these two ideas DO NOT work WAYYYYY more often than they DO work. There are
actual cart re-fill systems that DO WORK WELL, however. Remanufactured
TONER carts are another matter, since toner is solid color, and I've
used many remanufactured toner carts without problem. I would suspect you
may find some good remanufactured ink jet carts out there-- but that's your
SEE MORE ON INK BELOW on this page
What am I talking about?
Every inkjet printer uses these microscopic ink jet openings to lay ink down on
the paper. The same ink that dries nicely on your paper will also dry nicely in
the orifice that the ink flows through to get the paper. When this happens, it's
like a clogged toilet. Sometimes you can "clean" the print heads with
some printer maintenance program-- but OFTEN it is next to impossible. Many many
times I had this problem with my otherwise excellent Canon printer. I had plenty
of ink in the cartridges, but it would not flow through the print head
The problem happens most often
A DAY TO KEEP THE HEAD CLEAN. If you can't do that, simply run a cleaning cycle
or two (or worst cast scenario three) when you get back from vacation.
Save the "Heavy Duty" cleaning cycles for real problems as
this uses a ton of ink. You can also run a test "purge" print
that prints simply a big block of each color.
[The one advantage (and that's
about it) of HP printers is that their ink cartridges contain a brand new head
and nozzles every time you replace the cartridge. However, I don't think this
justifies buying an HP printer. Just less chance of a clogged head in the long
run of you use an HP.]
Trust me, prevention is worth a TON
of cure when it comes to ink jet printers. Not only will "cleaning" or
"heavy cleaning" take time, but it is expensive, because cleaning
generally uses a LOT of ink in printers. Canon will clean the head with air in
the regular cleaning setting, but often this does not work and you have to
resort to heavy cleaning-- and ZIP!!! half the ink in your cartridge has been
used up to get your printer to work right. $36 worth of ink down the
drain, literally.
The cure is simple--- print one
full color print every single day, whether you need it or not. This will keep
your print heads flowing and clean. You can download and use either of the
following JPG files to do your "cleaning" or "test" print.
Printing these images, especially the Standard Blocks should get the ink
flowing. Set your printer to fill
the image to page size of Neil's Test Print , or print at half a page size
of the Standard Test Block.
Please note: even standard cleaning
or heavy cleaning may not keep your printer working the best it can. If you own
a Canon printer, please read all of the Canon maintenance information below.
Note, you can also check your
printer accuracy by comparing the look of Neil's Test Print on your monitor, and
comparing with the actual print out of your printer. Please note, although the
text on the print is very sharp, the photo itself is not REALLY sharp although
it has excellent color value representation- note the croquet balls in front.
the Standard Blocks give you INK color, and should not be used to judge primary
color representation, unlike the Neil's Print, and are simply used to make ink
flow through your printers ink jet head.
Test Print Standard
Test Block for FOUR COLOR Printers Standard
Test Block for SIX COLOR printer
HEADS-- air is almost free, and is a sure fire cure for
clogged nozzles.
PRINTERS AND NOW 7 and 8 Colors!
Yes, having six colors ink systems
in a printer produces better images than four and five color systems, no doubt
about it. You can produce color photographic prints that are INDISTINGUISHABLE
from standard chemical processed color photographs on your $150-$200 ink jet
printer on your desk at home now. The four and five color printers are
indeed a little cheaper, and you will make very nice prints, including photos.
But if you want prints that are perfect, spend the extra dollars and get a six
color system. No baloney here. PS, the five color printers add a "photo
black" which helps the printer print grays in photos without using up the
regular primary colors to blend a gray.
For your information, a six color
printer adds two lighter shades of magenta and cyan (printer red and printer
blue) which are used in intermediate areas of color. This provides more accuracy
and finer control of color and smoother rendering of images. As it turns out, in
a six color printer, these are the two colors you end up using most. So unless
you have a system where you are refilling your ink cartridges or using a
Continuous Flow System below, seriously consider a printer with INDEPENDENT
REGARDING TEXT: If you are printing a lot (we are
talking thousands of pages) of text only, black and white documents-- for god's
sake, get a Brother laser printer for that and save your inkjet printer for
color prints. Anyone judging/using an ink jet printer primarily for printing
large amounts of black and white text documents is out of their mind. Laser jets
print this kind of thing five times faster, 100 times cheaper, and with
equivalent or better quality. Don't buy an inkjet printer based on how
quickly it cranks out text documents. This is another shortsighted error I've
seen in commercial reviews of ink jet printers-- you don't expect a sedan
to do the job of a pickup truck either.
HOWEVER- if you are printing a small or
moderate number of text only documents, almost every single inkjet printer over
$70 (and a few even cheaper) out there will do an adequate if not excellent job
for you, Canon, Epson, HP, Lexmark included.
As for 7 and 8 color printers--- OH COME ON, ALREADY. Will
printer manufacturers stop at NOTHING to sell new printers?!? I'm getting
kick ass color lab perfect prints on my 6 color Canon i960. Anything over 6
colors is pure overkill. Remember, every book and magazine picture on the planet
is only FOUR COLORS. Enough is enough.
Some professionals might
enjoy the advantage of 8 color printing- but it comes at a steep
price- more colors means more ink to buy, more nozzles
to clog which means more printer cleaning, which
means more wasting ink- you can't just clean ONE COLOR - you have to waste ink
cleaning all the colors.
Further, one 8
color printer, the Epson R800, the cartridges cost $14 each
retail-- times eight colors-- and if the printer goes ONE DAY without printing,
it WILL clog. See http://www.neilslade.com/Papers/printtest.html
all other brands INFO:
Again: If you are a professional
and SELLING prints- you are introducing all kinds of problems to the equation.
Print life is of EXTREME IMPORTANCE. Dye based prints MAY be problematic. Inkjet
dye based prints will fade under the right conditions. And HOW DO YOU KNOW where
your customers will put prints you SOLD for MONEY to them? You don't. So you
need absolutely the best life. In these cases- real color lab photo prints may
look pretty good. DO YOUR HOMEWORK.
MOST HOME CONSUMERS printing their own photos, hobbyists who enjoy their own
prints- its a different story.
Okay, for a lot of people, any
current inkjet printer works fine. However, if you are a discriminating user, a
hobbyist, semi-pro, or pro, you'll want to look closer.
For moderate use, the Canon
printers win over all the others, without question. I have owned both the Canon
S900 printer and recently purchased the 2 Epson P900s. I have spoken to
store managers who sell all brands of printers. I have spoken with Epson owners.
I have compared prints from ALL printers.
The Canons beat all in reliability,
color accuracy, and speed. Hands down.
Most everyone who REALLY knows how
all these printers compare agree. And this does not include the vast number of
amateur printer reviewers on the web and magazines who pose as
professional reviewers.
I had hope for the comparably
priced Epson, but alas, after a month of use I am not very enthusiastic after
comparing the two side by side. My apologies to Epson users. The Epson offered
the addition of adding a continuous ink flow system, which meant never again
replacing a cartridge, and instead using ink from bottles affixed to the side of
the printer. After struggling for a couple of hours to get this system to work-
it worked fine. But after a month, the printer started producing inferior and
noticeably blurry prints. And it wasn't the ink-- I put the factory ink
cartridge back in, and the prints remained less sharp than they were when the
printer was new. Cleaning the heads and aligning the heads helped nothing. My
guess is that the Epson inkjet heads are prone to some sort of wear or clogging,
of which the Canon is impervious. This is well established. I first noticed this
with a previous Epson printer that I exchanged, thinking this was a problem
printer. Alas, my brand new one turned out perfectly sharp prints at the
beginning-- and now after 30 days, the blur is showing up on this one as well.
It's been returned for a refund.
Recently my
local Comp USA posted comparative pictures from the newest Epson, Canon,
and HP printers.
Epson prints
SUCKED next to the other two brands. They were dull and lifeless.
HP prints looked good, but were darker than the others.
Canon prints were VIVID and VIBRANT.
add to the fact that Canon printers are extremely reliable over the
long run, print twice as fast as any other printer, and maintain
printed image quality irregardless of how long you use the printer and how
many prints you print- what conclusion do you make?
The Canon NEVER produced blurry
prints, after THOUSANDS of prints. My main objection to using the Canon
for a very large output was that refilling the carts with syringes was getting
to be annoying. The ink at inkgrabber.com made this a moot point- its easy to
throw in another cart at $2.50, rather than the $12 retail. If the decision
between the Canon and Epson is based on the availability of a continuous flow
system, Canon STILL WINS, because the prints are that much better. I've gotten
used to refilling with syringes because of my high volume of ink use..
We also compared the Epson prints
with the Canon prints in terms of accurate photographic color-- the Canon i960
and the older S900 seemed to edge out the Epson P900 in accuracy of the original
object, although the Epson matched the monitor view a bit better-- but this is
not to be preferred, as what you want is realistic color prints-- not
necessarily what an LCD monitor shows as electronic color. IN generally, for
graphics, the Canon prints were VIVID, where as the Epson graphic prints were
"pedestrian". This holds true for the latest generation of Epson and
Canon printers.
Further, the Canon software that
comes with the printer is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the Epson software on
several accounts.
Canon gives you photo stitching software than is incredibly good, allowing you to create a single PANORAMIC
photos from several individual regular photos, providing you take two of more photos with your camera pivoting
as you go. No panorama setting is necessary on your camera. I was AMAZED when I first used this program and saw how intelligently and well it worked- it is a really cool Canon offering. Canon also gives you an "Easy Photo" program that makes printing amazingly easy, and allows you to print
a number of different prints on the same sheet of paper. The Epson program that comes with their printers to accomplish this is quite inferior.
Why the difference between Canon and Epson photo printers at the mid-price range? Well, Canon is a HUGE company that has specialized in photo supplies and hardware for decades, and they are industry leaders in this regard. Epson is a smaller company that really began as an office supply hardware outfit, and they just don't have the resources of Canon, and apparently the expertise either.
Canon wins, it's really no contest
after all. Apparently many magazines are in total agreement with me in their
printer reviews, including Mac World.
First let me say that the
people at Colorbat are REALLY determined to work out ALL the bugs in the Canon
CFS system- and modifications are already being made from a lot of information
we have about CFS systems that do work long term. I will keep you up to date as
the long term problems that have recently surfaced are solved.
Canon CFS system made by Colorbat worked perfectly initially. After about 6
weeks however, the system was prone to get air into the carts apparently from
the bottom ink outlet hole on the bottom of the carts OR simple long term
failure of the material inside the cart-- WHICH WE ALREADY KNOW has a limited
lifespan when refilling carts with a syringe. You can only refill a cart a
limited number of times before it eventually fails, and you have to replace the
cart and then start refilling
is not a failure of the Colorbat system itself, but inherent in the design of
the Canon carts- which use a flexible porous sponge inside and on the the bottom
of the Canon cart design to seal the outlet ink holes from the carts. When you
simply use a new cart, this seal is replaced with each cart. If you leave the
same cart in place over a long period of time, the seal compression is reduced
apparently, or the trasfer of ink through the sponge is reduced, and then ink
delivery is compromised. It may also be a fault of the sponge material in
the main chamber of the Canon carts, that is prone to stop working after a
certain number of refills.
Cyan is always the first to go-- as it is the most used color. The engineers at
Colorbat IMMEDIATELY went to work on this problem, as it wasn't known until my
own extreme volume of printing using their system.
at present- hold off on the CFS for Canon until I've given it a longer term test
period with the new modifications.
in mind, this is only for the CFS system-- I
still recommend Canon printers above all others, and for moderate to large
volume printing, the syringe refill method has proved to be effective,
relatively easy, and completely reliable after years of use. If you don't want
to refill, the inkgrabber.com replacement cartridges, and other low cost carts
by the companies listed on this page for Canon BCI-6 carts (and others) have
proven extremely reliable, perfect quality, and although more expensive than
re-using carts and refilling, are a bargain versus $12 a color for the
"official" Canon carts.<<<
CFS POST Below here:
is now a Canon CFS system available for Canon printers using the 6BCI type
cartridges, such as the s900, i860, i960 and many others. It works perfectly and
is EXCELLENT!! This is a major breakthrough. http://www.colorbat.com
He seems to have worked out previous bugs in making a CFS for Canon. His bulk
ink also looks comparably priced to MSI as well. You can buy this system
preassembled (easiest solution and recommended) and install it in under a half
hour or make one yourself from scratch, DIY instructions here:
IF you print moderate to large numbers of
prints and go through a lot of ink, this Canon CFS is the ONLY way to go. I only
wish this had been available earlier than this. It makes printing large
quantities of the highest quality materials SO MUCH more pleasant. Imagine,
never having to refill or replace another inkjet cartridge again, as well as
paying 1/20th the cost for ink that is as good or better than the name brand
overpriced ripoff at Office Depot cartridges. This is a must for people who
print a lot.
Printing Nirvana
finally. These systems have been available for years for Epsons- but
if you own a new Canon- this is extremely welcome- as us Canon users know how
much better our printers are, and wouldn't give them up- even if we couldn't get
I've been doing photography and
developing and printing my own photos for almost 35 years, and I am VERY excited
that I can take, edit, and print better photographs easier and less expensively,
without messing with pouring film chemicals by the gallon down the drain and
breathing in all that stuff. I can do so much more efficiently, and at less
environmental cost by digital manipulation and image improvement on the computer
first, and printing much fewer trial pictures. I am no longer at the mercy of
the photo lab, and have 1000% more control over my photographs. Hurray!!
See the related (unfortunately
needs a recent update-- soon!) page on Brain
Photo Fun
HOWEVER, despite current claims of
inkjet printer manufacturers claiming that you can crank out inkjet photos that
will outlast regular film process photos- this needs to be taken with a couple
of brain-grains of salt. An inkjet print or inkjet photo simply tacked onto your
wall unprotected or taped to your refrigerator might not even make it to your
next birthday much less 25 years as commercially promised.
If you are printing inkjet photos
or prints with PERMANENCE in mind, the combination of printer and PAPER is very
important. Certain papers have a much better record at keeping stable colors.
Plain cheap Epson Glossy Photo Paper (not the premium stuff, we are talking
about the $20 for 100 sheets at COSTCO) or more expensive Ilford Heavy Weight
Glossy Paper (goes by different names) is at the present time, the best among a
few other excellent choices. These days, most new inkjet photo printer inks are
reasonably long lasting- advertised for 25 years or more if protected and
printed on decent paper. Well, probably not THAT long, but long enough for most
of us. I've now heard of a Costco selling their own brand of photo paper,
heavier than the Epson Glossy Photo paper- and for most uses, it's probably
going to work just fine. There is no testing of the lighfastness of this paper
See the section on papers below and
the web link for complete information. Another definite help with any paper is
to place wall hanging inkjet prints in a sealed frame (like any other photo)
under glass where air circulation or strong sunlight won't get at it. Use of a
photo album keeping the prints out of continual air and light will keep your
prints looking good for an exceptionally long time.
The only real cure for true
"archival" prints (needed for art prints or permanent exhibit) is to
use a pigment ink system, only available on printers like the Epson 2200, which
run about $700. Practically speaking however, if a print will last several years
or more, that should be convenient enough-- if a new print is needed-- just
print one up off the computer hard drive or CD-R. This year's newer printers
that use the newer photo inks should produce prints that should last long enough
for most of us. Put your print behind glass, in a photo book, or out of direct
light- it'll probably be around a long time before you need to reprint, if
Also See Canon Versus The
The Canon printers are great.
Period. THEY ARE UNBEATABLE. They are lightning fast. For most everyone,
including full fledge professional photographers who print small, moderate, or
even large numbers of prints, they are the printer of choice. I have printed
THOUSANDS of 8X10 photos on my S900 and my i960. Now that I have figured out the
few points of smooth running, I have no qualms. I just gave my s900 to a friend
and replaced it (though this was not necessary) with a brand new i960.
(Essentially the same printer, although the new one has larger paper capacity
and a front USB port for direct printing from a digital camera.
I now own the i960, and it prints
better and slightly faster photos than any previous model. This is the FERRARI
of currently available inkjet printers, and the price of a Honda. If you
want the best printer for color graphics and photos, THIS IS IT. For those
interested, it actually prints better than the earlier i9100 (a larger format
printer). See http://www.steves-digicams.com/2003_reviews/canon_i960_pg4.html
Steve is a professional photographer who reviews EVERYTHING photo. He knows of
what he speaks (as do I :-)
For one thing- in many of the
better Canon printers, each ink color has its own individual replaceable tank.
So, if you run out of one color more than others-- and you'll find that in SIX
COLOR SYSTEMS the "photo cyan and photo magenta" go much faster than
others- you don't have to throw out the WHOLE CARTRIDGE and you replace just the
one empty cart. This is not applicable if you are refilling your carts, but if
you are like most people and simply replace an empty ink cartridge-- this makes
a HUGE DIFFERENCE in your ink cost.
A couple of seasons ago one
professional reviewer (Steve) can be quoted comparing the Canon S900 and S9000
(same exact printer with a bigger paper carriage) with other inkjet printers
(and I only read this after my own discoveries): "Up until about two months
ago I was a die-hard Epson user. For the last four years there has always been a
Stylus Photo printer (usually the latest model) sitting on my desk. After
reviewing the Canon S9000 I was no longer satisfied with the printing speed of
my Epsons or any other inkjet for that matter." He goes on to say that he
in fact has passed on purchasing the admittedly incredible $700 Epson 2200
because he already owns the Canon- and the quality of the two printers are
indistinguishable- only the Canon works faster and is half as much money.
I had the software installed and
the Canon printers up and running in minutes, unlike the HP units. They are a
breeze to use and control, and offer the excellent flexibility in terms of
settings, and REMEMBERING custom settings. Set up a paper/image combination and
recall it in one click.
The prints from six color Canon
printers was AMAZING. What else can I say. The $200 (retail) printers turn out
prints that are indistinguishable from chemical high quality lab photos except
perhaps under an electron microscope. The four color Canon printers are
excellent, but not quite as good. Most people would not be able to tell the
difference unless they really looked hard. If you don't need photographic
reproduction quality, and just need an excellent color inkjet, the less
expensive Canons are great. If you want professional results and need that extra
edge-- go for the six color printers. The main difference between the i960 and
the i869 is speed, the higher priced spread goes faster. The model i9100 is
identical to the i960 but allows for larger format prints.
Here's a repeat of the NEW CANON MODELS INFO at the top of
the page in case you missed it:
REGARDING the new line of Canon printers: Okay, Canon
printers BEAT ALL, no question. But the new season of printers, the PIXMA
printers are a de-evolution of last years superlative i-series printers- which
were PERFECT. Alas, most companies are guilty of planned obsolescence, and often
make changes for changes-sake to sell new printers. I recommend the
Canon i960 above EVERY printer made-- but they are being phased out, so get one
while you can, found for about $135 online these days. www.Provantage.com
is a reliable source.
The i960 offers the fastest, most
vivid, most highest detailed, sharpest imaging of ANYTHING,
including all other Canon models. It is the LOTUS ELAN, the Ferrari, the Acura
NSX of inkjet printers.
The new $179 PIXMA IP6000 is 6 color, but twice as slow
a printer, with additional gimmicky features nobody needs. The the
i9900 prints as nicely as the 960, but is much more expensive,
and requires two additional colors (red and green) that you don't need. It
does allow for bigger prints if you really need that. The i9100 is a
better deal, big tray, and 6 color, though microscopically not as
absolutely fine as the 960- naked eye, might not be able to tell the
difference. A very very very minor difference in printing between the 9100 and
the 960 This printer is/has been phased out. Figures!
The IP8500 again is much more expensive
than the 960, requires the two additional inks, and is for all
purposes the same speed as the 960. All of the
other PIXMA printers are only 4 color with an additional black, equivalent to
the i560 models. These are good printers and suitable for most consumers, but
not as good as the 6 or 8 color printers for really semi-pro or pro use.
AND any CHROMO INK 8 color printers (9900 and
8500) will require the more expensive Chroma ink- what a drag! No cheap ink for
these printers yet....
SO- get one of the i-series while you still
can-- ink will be available for years and years to come, and you'll get more for
your printer money, absolutely. When the time comes and you can't
get an i series printer-- the new PIXMA printers are still going to give you
better results and reliability than ANY other companies machines.
I do NOT work for Canon.
MAINTENANCE INFO BELOW if you have a newer Canon printer.
ONE IMPORTANT NOTE: Canon does not
tell you to regularly use the "clean" or "deep cleaning"
functions of their printers in the instruction manual unless there is a problem.
Think PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. After printing THOUSANDS of sheets myself on my
Canon printer, I would STRONGLY recommend you do this after large batches of
prints to extend indefinitely the life of your printer head. Otherwise it will
clog, just like any other printer head.
Epson printers are okay, if you
don't know any better. As of September 2004, the HP printers are turning
out better looking prints- although HP ink refills are ridiculously
priced. Epson prints look weak and lifeless if you actually compare
them right next to identical prints printed on Canons or HPs.
printer heads CLOG. Just ask the guy selling them at Comp USA. I had
exactly the same experience with the Epson printer I owned for a while.
The EPSON brand printers have a
better reputation for quality printing and reliability now than a few years
Last year I tested the
relatively inexpensive C80 Epson printer--- just dreadful colors, only good for
unimportant work. Avoid the cheapest printers in any brand anyway unless you are
a dirt poor student who will only be printing out psychology essays.
Epson printers are are slower than comparable
Canon printers at the very highest resolution
settings- not really an issue unless you are always printing a lot of microscopically
fine prints-- and I am not refereeing to the typical average snapshot
See some details of the new R800
printer here http://www.neilslade.com/Papers/printtest.html
For the same amount of money, get a Canon.
FOR EPSON (and maybe Canon)
UPDATE Sptember 21 2004
see the news in BOLD print up the page regarding the Colorbat CFS for Canon.
EPSON CFS notes:
biggest advantage of the Epson (and now BCI-6 cartridge Canon) printers is
this-- you can outfit them to take "Continuous Flow Systems". A
company named MIS
Inkjet Supplies as well as www.colorbat.com
manufactures a retrofit ink system for many Epson printers. For the P900 this
runs about $150, which is not cheap-- unless you are printing thousands of
prints every year like me. Then, THEORETICALLY it pays for itself.
Theoretically mind you. Another company, Niagra, sells a similar (if not
identical) system for $260. Another company $190. They all look the
But I had
a relatively difficult time getting it to work properly-- and I am NOT all
thumbs. It took several hours, most of an entire day to get it to work as
promised. Eventually after much cursing it did. All the companies say "easy
to install". Maybe with lots of practice the people selling these can get
them to work quickly. I could not. The Colorbat vaccum pump system uses a
slightly different method to get ink flowing initially, and looks like a better
method than the MIS, and may be the better choice of the two.
then, after spending $150 on this MIS version system, I only find that the Epson
P900 heads wear out and produce inferior prints to the Canon. A waste of time
and money. The 1280 model printers may produce better prints than the
P900- but funny thing, I have not received ONE EMAIL from an Epson owner telling
me otherwise, AND news is that the 1280 is being phased out.
Previously I was using a Canon S900
to do all of my commercial color photo printing. This required often refills
using a syringe and unplugging the Canon Ink cartridge. If you do this A LOT--
you learn to hate this process. You get ink on your hands, and nothing but
nothing but Clorox will remove the color. Not even the strongest solvents or
paint remover. You have to bleach the ink off your hands. You can wear gloves,
but if you refill the carts frequently, its hard not to make a little bit of a
mess once in a while. But mostly, the routine of cleaning the syringes, wiping
the counter, cleaning the carts-- if you have to do this three times a
day-- bleeeeccch. Once a week or less, okay, I could live with that.
But given that we've now found a source of pre-filled Canon compatible ink carts
at $2 a shot, its a real toss up whether or not its worth it to refill carts at
all. For most people, its not worth refilling- I've learned to accept
refilling with the syringe. There is NO WAY I'm going to settle for the inferior
quality of Epson prints.
The CFS replaces the printer
cartridge with a MIS cartridge with permanently installed ink tubes that run to
bottles of ink affixed to the outside of the printer. You never replace the
cartridge any more. You will have to replace the ink in the bottles, but they
will last for thousands of prints, and refilling the bottles is a total snap
compared to using syringes to refill ink cartridges.
Admittedly, it will take you a half
hour or more to install the system. The directions of what ink bottle goes to
what tube was BACKWARDS in the directions-- be careful (Maybe they've fixed this
by now.) On my P900 YELLOW INK goes towards the front of the printer NOT BLACK
as in the directions.
It will take a lot of test prints
before the ink tubes fill properly with ink from the bottles. It may be messy--
wear gloves and put newspaper down. Again, if you have any clogged ink jet
nozzles to start with, you will be a madman trying to get your CFS system to
work right. Makes sure your printer is new, or works PERFECTLY first.
I found that I could use the
"bottom fill" syringe supplied with the kit to quickly draw ink fully
into the tubes by sucking ink from the bottom of the permanent cart after
connecting it all up. (If you get this system you'll understand).
ALSO NOTE- To install the permanent
cartridge (and by the way, you can also revert back to the replaceable
cartridges at any time, but why you would want to is beyond me....) YOU
CARTRIDGES IN PLACE. The MIS instructions did not illustrate this, and
poorly explained it. Watch this when installing the MIS carts in the beginning.
Ask around, if you know someone
using one of the pro Epson printers at $400 or more, compare the results with
some of the Canons. At the under $300 range, I'm not convinced Epson is so hot.
My advice-
skip the Epson printers entirely, even with the Continuous Flow System, unless
you really really REALLY must have pigmented ink. Think about this VERY
LEXMARK brand printers seem to suffer the similar reputation for lack of
reliability as Epson. I (and many others) was least impressed with the
test prints, even on the highest priced and highest resolution
Skip Lexmark unless you are the gambling type who is not concerned with
anything except saving a few bucks. They may have improved things lately,
but by gossip I've heard and read, not by much.
Hewlett Packard printers have
served me well in the past, even their entry level printers. They are built like
tanks. However, this newest round of HP inkjet printers uses cartridges that
cost (per volume of ink) nearly THREE TIMES as much as comparable Canon inks.
(HP Cartridges #56, 57, 58). Ouch.
The very newest line of HP prints
look quite good, and more vivid colors than Epson, although generally
darker in tone than either Canon or Epson. Last time I check, HP OEM ink carts
were TINY and relatively very expensive.
A new series of HP printers is due
out at the end of 2004- and these printers claim to use half the ink, and
print faster. We will keep our eyes open when these are available for testing.
you haven't yet, look at the PRINTER Quiz where you can get a good look at how
the recent top of the line HP printer stacks up http://www.neilslade.com/Papers/printtest.html
main disadvantage to HP printers is the combined color carts, which also include
a new printer nozzle head. About $80 to replace all the inks in an HP printer-
and these are small cartridges to boot. Not very cost effective at all. And the
HP printers - the fastest one- is more than three times slower than the fastest
Canon printers.
Sorry, but I just can't
get very enthusiastic considering these major drawbacks.
new HP photo printers using the new "longer lasting prints"
(cartridges 56, 57, 58) literally stink when you print. Not a lot, but I noticed
a distinctly bad odor coming from the printer and the prints that reminded me of
dirty dog poop. This was not true of my older HP printer (model 932C).
Unfortunately the older HP printers (and most other brands) turn out prints that
fade very quickly left up on the wall in regular indoor room light, unlike
regular chemical processed photos. Maybe they've changed this as of summer
Finally, the HP prints of humans as
of early models in 2004- that is to say faces and flesh tones- took on a
distinctive WAXY look on 8X10 photos that I did not care for at all , and which
I did not notice from the older printers. This was surprising
since the newer resolution of 2400 X 1200 dots per inch should crank out
very detailed and natural prints. Upon inspection of graphic designs, like the
Zow-X poster, fine details were lost in printing, and there was an uncorrectable
high contrast in the print. This may have been avoided in the highest print
setting at 4800 dots per inch- but this used unacceptable HUGE amounts of ink
and took forever to print out.
I don't know if this waxy quality
of flesh carries through in the top of the line models, but considering
the rest- its a moot point anyway. I cannot recommend HP printers to
anyone, except millionaire turtles.
Finally, did you every try to
install or re-install an HP printer? Welcome to computer hell.
I am a computer NERD, and it took
even me about a half hour to even get the thing running. (New model 5550.) And
even this is huge improvement over installing the older models, and I would
never wish THAT on my worst enemies.
Inkjet printer manufacturers make all of their
money selling replacement ink. And they do so at SUBSTANTIAL mark-up to the
consumer. I.e., rip-off to people who use fair amounts of ink.
Not only is this bad for the
environment- throwing out all those cartridges, but it SUCKS your green energy
(money) out of you, which could be more efficiently spent. Efficient use of
money translates into personal BRAIN HAPPINESS. You want THAT, don't you?
I've used ink from
, www.inkgrabber.com , "Computer
Friends", Inkjet Ink and Other Related
and MIS
Inkjet Supplies PLEASE FIRST READ MY DETAILS- each company offers a
distinct advantage.
As far as ink goes, all of these
companies sell outstanding quality ink at a truly reasonable cost-- 1/6th the
price of OEM ink or manufacturers ink elsewhere. It's ink at the price IT SHOULD
BE. See details below. This is NOT a paid endorsement in any way, just a
BRAIN ADVANTAGE of visiting The Brain Adventure Site.
UPDATE Sept. 21, 2004
For simple replacement of cartridges (not refilling or
Our www.inkgrabber.com
recommendation is NOT a paid endorsement in any way, just a BRAIN ADVANTAGE
of visiting The Brain Adventure Site. See: www.inkgrabber.com
We tested and RECENTLY RE-TESTED this ink against
Canon factory ink cartridges found that there was marginal detectable
differences in color accuracy when used in an i960 printer- Canon's best inkjet
printer, and likely the best quality ink jet made by anybody, September 22,
For ordinary use, the Inkgrabber
ink seems to be very good and more than sufficient. Very slight changes in color
Not all inkjet papers are created
the same. In fact, contrary to claims, some inkjet papers hardly work at all on
some printers.
For example, I put Kodak PREMIUM
Photo paper in my Canon S900 printer and was entirely unable to get satisfactory
prints from it in regard to accurate color and details, no matter how I adjusted
the printer. It was, in a word, HORRIBLE. (I've heard its horrible in both Epson
printers as well. I then put the cheapest Epson Photo Paper (about 20 cents for
an entire 8 1/2 X 11 sheet, COSTCO, 100 pack costs $19.95) in the same printer
with the same settings, and the print came out MAGNIFICENT.
And to make makes more confusing,
Kodak ULTIMA Photo Paper has been seen to be one of the BEST quality and fade
resistant papers for Epson and presumably similar Canon inks. Go figure.
In general, matte (non-shiny
finish) photo papers will keep their color the longest, up to four times longer
than glossy paper. Epson Heavyweight Matte Photo paper is outstanding, and
regarded by many as the best deal in matte paper. Put a matte print or photo
under glass or plastic and it will last forever and look fantastic.
Plain old cheap Epson Photo Paper (Glossy) gives absolutely gorgeous
excellent results, its good and heavy weight, (some reviewers give it the
highest rating among glossy paper), it won't fade like many others, though it's
surface is not as perfectly flat smooth as some of the other papers. Hey, who
cares, unless you're concentrating on the shiny part and not the image. It also
reproduces nice accurate colors. It can be found at COSTCO for $19.95 for 120
sheets. If your local Costco doesn't carry this-- NAG THEM UNTIL THEY DO, cause
the stores in Denver Colorado DO!
NEW: Two people have reported
EXCELLENT results with COSTCO Kirkland brand paper that surpass even
the Epson Glossy Photo paper, at essentially the same cost.
AM NOW USING KIRKLAND PAPER-- yep its great, and a great bargain. Thicker,
glossier, and smoother than Epson Photo Paper.
the report:
Hi Neil, I
bought a Canon I960 at your suggestion, set it up today with the
enclosed OEM inks, and tested various papers. I thought you
would like to know my results. I used a picture of my 15
month old granddaughter who has very fair skin and light brown hair
with reddish overtones.
The printer came
with samples of the Canon Photo Paper Pro. I used
the "photo paper pro" and "automatic" settings and
produced an excellent print. I used this print to compare
the other papers.
RESPONDS: Unfortunately, this is a fundamental mistake- which you then
pointed out you addressed below.
I also
don't use the automatic settings-- this tends to leave more room for
errors by the printer. The manual paper and type settings work
better-- using manual settings, you'll find that the Epson glossy
Photo paper gives you perfectly saturated results as well as accurate
note that INK makes a big difference as well- especially when you are
using paper other than Canon. The MIS and inkgraber inks produce
somewhat different results than the Canon inks-- and often better
color results than the Canon inks with non- Canon papers. MIS yellow,
for exacmple, as well as magenta, produce far more accurate colors on
the Epson paper than the Canon ink.
Since the
third party inks are such a more affordable alternative to the Canon
inks, as well as use of papers other than Canon, I don't generalize as
to what is "BEST", this is a very relative term than must
take into account, cost, and availability, as well as printer
I will be
happy to reprint your results on my page with credit to you if you
like-- let me know, and thanks for your research, it is very welcome.
Epson Glossy
Photo paper (the Costco special at `120
sheets for $20) produced prints with skin tones that were
over-saturated and too contrasty when printed at the same settings as
Canon Photo Paper Pro. At a setting of "Photo Paper plus
glossy", oversaturation was less. At a setting of
"glossy photo paper" and "automatic", the
oversaturation was nearly reduced to normal. I then used a
manual setting of -5 intensity and got a result nearly the same as the
Canon Photo Paper Pro.
Epson Premium
Glossy Photo Paper gave slightly
less saturated and less contrasty results at comparable settings when
compared to the inexpensive Epson Glossy Photo paper. At a
setting of Glossy Photo Paper the skin tones were not
quite as subtle as with the Canon paper. I did not
experiment with manual settings, but I expect that the result would
have been similar to the Epson Glossy Photo paper and the Canon Photo
Paper Pro.
Kirkland Glossy
Photo Paper was the surprise of
the day! As I reported to you, the San Francisco Bay Area Costco
stores have discontinued carying the Epson paper in favor of their own
brand. I had told you that, on my Epson Stylus Color 900, there
was a noticeable greenish color shift with this paper as
well as with the Epson Premium Glossy Paper. The
best skin tones (with subtle shading) with the
Kirkland paper (Costco) came with the settings at "Glossy Photo
Paper" , "Manual", and intensity set at -5 or -6.
It was then quite close to the Canon Photo Paper Pro. It
actually had slightly brighter light skin tones leaning to the
red instead of toward orange/yellow that I saw with the Canon paper.
The weight was similar to the Canon and Epson Premium papers and the
surface was much smoother than the less expensive Epson paper.
Because of the additional weight there was less initial paper curl
than was produced with the cheaper paper as well.
Bottom Line - With
the Canon I960 and EOM inks all of the prints had very
acceptable skin tones and overall color balance. The whites were
clean and bright and it was very hard to discern an appreciable color
difference from one paper to the next. The only real issue
was the level of saturation compared to the Canon Photo Paper
Pro. I will purchase the Kirkland paper, make some
final small adjustments as necessary, and enjoy my new printer.
By the way, I
never did get a final answer from Bob at MIS regarding the problem
with the MIS ink refills for my Epson printer. He very
graciously sent me a set of carts and inks for the new printer to
compensate for the problems I had in trying to use the MIS inks with
the Epson printer. What finally caused the best improvement with
the Epson was making and using cleaning cartridges with the cleaning
solution suggested by Arthur Entlich. After following his
instructions I was able to print excellent pics with OEM inks at
720 DPI without banding. None the less, I decided to treat
myself to the I960 and do MIS refills or buy inkgrabber carts.
The ability to use cheaper ink and produce borderless prints without
needing to trim after printing is well worth the purchase.
I hope that my
report on these papers will be helpful to you and the people who read
about printers on your web site.
The newest version of Epson PREMIUM
Glossy Photo Paper, on the other hand, had the worst reputation, then better
after they changed the formula, then Epson recalled it again, now its coming out
again-- but still not as good as the cheap stuff. Okey dokey.
Ilford Heavyweight glossy Photo
paper is a champ in terms of long lasting color and nice finish, and can be
found with some searching on the net (try Calumet Photo or others) for less than
40 cents a sheet in quantity. More money than Epson, but apparently good for
really permanent items, and even mounting unframed or unprotected on walls
without problems. See the paper review web page below for details.
Gallery Glossy PAPER at Sams Club for $23 for 100 sheets- this is EXCELLENT,
Ilford paper is OUTSTANDING.
You can also use plain smooth
brilliant white card stock for printing graphics (and okay photos), which is the
least expensive option at about 250 sheets for around $10 (Office Depot). It
will give you good color and decent detail, but will lack the total vivid
reproduction and saturation (especially in large dark areas) that you will see
from good matte or glossy stock. No news on how long it goes before fading in
any situation. Give it a try and see.
Don't be fooled into thinking the
most expensive papers are the best. The Canon Photo Pro costing a zillion
dollars a sheet (well, almost-compared to Epson Photo Paper) gives really
amazing EXACTLY LOOKING LIKE A PHOTO results- at first- but is prone to fading
after time. And, the color is not even as accurate as the cheapo Epson paper.
For an almost complete review
of all inkjet papers please see this site- you will be amazed at the difference.
Each paper has its own detailed test, plus a long term fade test (click on the
little colored test squares at the top of each review. A really excellent
And remember, even after all of
this--- its your BRAIN that will make you happy. Not stuff.
A few printers brag about printing direct on
This sounds good, but in actuality is a BAD
idea for home inkjet printing setups.
You will NOT get the same results as factory
professional direct CD printing, no way.
are three big drawbacks to at-home direct CD printing--
ink dry time is NOT instant as it is with printing on regular peel off labels.
You have to set the CDs aside for quite a while, otherwise the ink will smear.
CDs with white printable labels are significantly more expensive than plain
Label printing LOOKS BETTER!
Printing labels on peel off paper, then applying them is WAY
FASTER then attaching the special CD tray onto your
printer and printing, and waiting for it to dry.
although it sounds nice, direct CD printing on your home inkjet its
really a big pain in the butt!
I use ONLY Fellowes brand Matte Photo quality CD lables and
the NEATO brand label creation and application software and disc plastic
applicator. Very very easy to use-- although I prefer the earliest Neato
version 1.1 to the newer versions. SO what else is new, eh? The brilliance and
sharpness and intensity on this brand labels is the BEST I've seen, and is far
superior to inkjet direct to CD quality.
mething you
can't do with CD printing0 though you can apply a label over a bad CD print.
"Epson recommends
allowing the CD to dry for at least 24 hours to prevent any smearing of the
ink. Not all printable discs are the same, I much prefer the white-sided ones
to the silver ones, they have better color reproduction. You can only print on
those discs that are specifically manufactured as "ink jet
printable" discs, regular CD discs cannot be used. Even when fully dried,
the ink can be smeared if handled with wet fingers. The R800's pigment ink is
more resistant to smearing than the Stylus 960 with its dye inks but it still
isn't permanent. When printing on the silver-surface discs the color
saturation is only about 50% maximum even with the driver set to darkest
printed colors possible."
If your situation calls for
refilling cartridges, here is some additional information regarding Canon Ink
Refill procedures, as well as a free solution to the "Waste Tank Full"
dilemma. This was inspired by one fellow who was having a bit of a problem with
refilling his Canon cartridges for his i950 inkjet printer. It applies to many
others including the Canon S750, S800, S900. i960 printers and others.
The information below may
seem to be a lot- don't be overwhelmed or discouraged by this info. Having tried
all available printers, this is a fraction of the trouble other brands will
cause you- and the Canon's just plain work the best AND problems CAN be fixed
when/if they occur.
One of
the GENIUS features of the Canon printers is the CLEAR SEE-THROUGH ink jet
cartridges. This allows you to actually see the condition of the internal parts
of the cartridge and address them. Other brand printers don't even allow this-
and you can't even diagnose a cartridge problem except to replace it- often not
ALL- go to www.inkgrabber.com and get ink for $2 a color as opposed to
spending $12 a color at your local Office Depot. We tested this ink and it
actually looked BETTER than the official factory Canon Ink- gave what looked
like more accurate flesh tones-- maybe we were hallucinating- maybe not. There
ya go! Easy and cheap.
I have found that the PHOTO CYAN
and PHOTO MAGENTA colors are used up two to four times faster than any other
color. On top of this, if the cartridge goes completely empty before refilling--
nine times out of 10 you are screwed and you will never be able to get that
cartridge to work properly again. Why? Air inside the sponge ink filler inside
the cart will block the flow of ink, and there is NOTHING you can do to remedy
this once it happens except replace the cartridge.
I have noted that after
thousands of Canon prints and many many refills, the print head will invariably
clog up requiring cleaning maintenance using the Canon program to do this. AND,
on certain occasions
(we are talking MANYYYYYYYYYY prints), programmed cleaning will still
not unclog the heads. The o
is how I do it on my Canon. You might be able to pull this off on an Epson. You
can't on an HP.
If you've put in a new cartridge and cleaned the nozzles several times,
and the nozzle check STILL shows a clogged nozzle- I have found that after
THOUSANDS (okay, maybe HUNDREDS) of prints, it may be necessary to spray
compressed air through the WHITE flow-through delivery sponge. This is the
little circular inlet that sits directly under the bottom ink cartridge hole in
the print head. I.e.: Take out the ink cartridges and remove the print head.
see 6 1/4" holes into which the ink is delivered from the cartridge. Get a
can of compressed air and spray from the cartridge side a few short bursts. HOLD
A KLEENEX or toilet paper on the outside of the print head where the copper
nozzles are- otherwise, you will get ink all over everything as the air cleans
out the sponge inlets. Wipe off the outside copper nozzles, because ink will
have poured out. No need to use any solvent, just a dry lint free paper. I've
used 100% denatured alcohol at times- I don't suggest any other solvent for
printer cleaning. Clorox, however, is the only thing that will remove totally
inkjet ink stains from plastic housing, counter tops, your fingers- but
don't use on important printer parts.
your cartridges back in, run a clean cycle to get the ink running again, realign
the nozzles, and VOILA- your printer will magically work again.
After two years of
printing THOUSANDS of prints with my Canon printers, I have never ever
ever replaced a printer head, or had to soak the cartridges or the print head as
described below. Air does wonders.
But I pass on the info below
just as a matter of options....
Okay- I do not personally recommend
using any solution to clean your Canon nozzle head-- if you have paid attention
to all the info on this page, it just should be necessary. However, once
in a while if you leave your printer sitting for a long time, a cart may dry
out, and will no longer work. One visitor sent me this email and
swears by it-- so, if you want to give it a shot if it ever comes up- it's
possibly an option. Save it till last howeve
This is true with many Canon Ink Jet Printers:
Eventually, you'll get an error message "Waste Ink Tank Almost Full,
Contact Your Canon Repair Center". Canon is totally sly about this, and is
actually a pretty ridiculous design flaw that they should be ashamed of- planned
obsolescence. Anyway, don't let this problem discourage buying an otherwise
fantastic Canon printer. Here's the fix:
he waste ink take is actually
just a felt pad that sits under the printer mechanism inside the case and
absorbs the ink from your cleanings. From what I gather, its both a time
consuming and expensive proposition to take to Canon to fix. And they won't tell
people how to do it themselves. Well, I WILL. And this works.
Remember of course, you've got to
cycle the cleaning process a huge amount of times to get this to occur.
But when it does, there is a
fix-it-yourself solution that is both safe and effective for the printer, and
free. You have to be slightly mechanical to do this. If you get this message and
you've never used a screwdriver and are all thumbs, well, Canon gotcha. But give
it a shot even then, or give it to someone halfway coordinated to do this for
1) Figure out how to open the
printer by removing the side and inside top plastic panels. Just look at the
thing and use your brain. Its all pressure clipped in place, no screws (at
least on the S900 and similar models, probably still the same on this years
models.) Look for slots and triangles on the 960.
2) No need to remove the ink
cartridges in this process- so don't. The mechanism is held down in place in
the case by two screws at the very bottom on the outside bottom of the metal
chassis inside. Remove these screws then lift up the mechanism. It should
lift out fairly easily, but remain attached by wires-- just place it on the
top edge of the case.
3) You'll see the blackened
(from waste ink) felt pads on the bottom. WEAR GLOVES-- this is skin
indelible ink, the only thing that will get it off your hands is CLOROX.
Period. There are two skinny pads that sit on top of a larger pad. Note how
they fit together.
4) Lift the pads out and rinse
out thorough in a sink until very little or no ink comes out. There's no
need to use chemical or soap cleaners, just use plain water from the tap and
the spray nozzle. Keep rinsing and squeezing the pads, but don't twist them
like a towel, squeeze and fold in half however to really get the ink out.
Lay flat in the sun for a few
hours to dry. Use a hairdryer to get the last bit of moisture out then
replace in the printer, and put everything back together.
5) RESET the printer
electronics, so you won't get the stupid "waste ink tank full"
message any more. Do an online web search if this doesn't work for your
model, although this works (or slight variations0 for many, including the
8200, the S800, and S900 series. Two main buttons on the top of the printer-
Power and the Resume:
1) Power off printer
2) Hold RESUME button then press and hold POWER. (The beeper MAY sound once,
or may not depending on your model.)
3) Hold POWER and Release RESUME.
4) Press RESUME twice
then release both POWER and RESUME buttons.
5) When the indicator lights steady, press RESUME 4 times (for the S900, 3
times for the 8200 apparently).
6) Press power to set data.
7) Print away!
After initial non-success with
refilling a toner cartridge myself-- I've finally had some good results.
Brother cartridge refill and overhaul-
but it took a bit of hunting.
I have a Brother 1240 laser printer-- same as their
newer 1440-- and previous troubles I had seemed to be fixed by using a can of
compressed air and thoroughly spraying every bit of mechanism
in the drum assembly I could access. This cleared out debris
and gunk that was preventing the new toner in the cartridge from applying properly. Simply following the toner refill instructions was not enough. And this was quite a fair amount of work taking the cartridge apart and refilling it. Also know that I have
cleaned the drum itself when prints showed excess toner spotting my prints. (The drum is the very shiny green or blue colored electrostatic roller on the inside of the cart,
accessible by a little poking around or by removing the toner cartridge
portion if it is separate from the drum.) On both the Brother and a previous HP
laser jet, I carefully and gently wiped excess toner off with a paper towel and
denatured alcohol. This is a fragile part of the cartridge, so don't rub hard or
use anything that would cause abrasion to this roller.
On the first and some subsequent refills, one might try simply opening the toner
refill hole plug and putting in toner rather than taking the whole unit apart.
This can be messy (although toner is dry stuff, it can go everywhere), so do it
in the sink or outside first time.
Factory toner carts work perfectly, but alas, they are WAY overpriced. A total
bogus rip-off.
If you can find a reconditioned cart for your LaserJet, try it and see. I
always had good luck with HP Laser jet reconditioned carts. But if you
are willing to try to actually replace the toner yourself, like ink jet refills-
you will save a substantial amount. Again, this seems like a relatively simple
operation that is just scares off people who think machines are too complicated
to fix themselves. Click your amygdala forward, get a little toner on your
fingers, and save hundreds of dollars.
Happy printing!
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