ALUMINUM Road Bike 20.5 pounds
of TERROR - $200

Did you ever want to KILL YOURSELF-- but you just couldn't bring
yourself to jump off a bridge? Do you shudder at the sight of blood?
Would you look bad with rope rash or red wrist marks?
Well, here's your chance to surprise yourself, and not even know
A GREAT LIGHT Peugeot Galaxie , Pechiney ALL ALUMINUM Road Bike
(frame, forks), all Shimano 105 gears, shifters, cranks, brakes, the
real deal.
20.5 pounds of Sheer Crazy Psychotic FEAR. You
The French hate Americans, and have been trying to kill us off
unsuccessfully in their own country since Normandy, and have been
largely unsuccessful. This is a covert post-war attempt that has
quietly achieved this goal, although in smaller numbers than
originally hoped for.
Uh-- did someone say this was NOT Pechiney? Uh.......this is on the
bike above the shifters. Looks like P E C H I N E Y to me. Aluminum
from Australia.

A beautiful road bike for anyone capable of thinking outside the
corporate-name-decal-on-my-bike-like-my-fat-neighbor box.
Silver with blue striping, gorgeous chrome lug joints, straight, all
aluminum frame bike.
Be the only one on your block to have a 20 pound Peugeot Galaxie,
actually, probably the only LIVING owner of such in your city or
state, or maybe anywhere east of the English Channel.
PIECE of HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE, as all of the former owners are
now DEAD, having been mashed into little bits when their own Peugeot
Galaxie disintegrated while they were in the middle of an
intersection, and thus were run over by a 60mph Mack Truck hauling
chickens to the KFC Factory on the edge of town:
Proof Positive-- Well come on-- YOU BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ ON
The UNSUBSTANTIATED RUMOR/Story/Recollection/Whatever found on
exactly ONE PAGE on the entire World Wide Web. It may or may not be
true, you decide with your life in the balance:
".....Heres my
recolection of the Comete/Galaxie issue. The frames
tubes, seat, top, down and all 4 stays were joined to
the lugs without a bonding agent or without welds.
Peugeot called it the 'Pechiney' process. Quote form the
catalogue "The assembly of the frame is performed with a
special, patented technique that fits the tubes into the
lugs without the use of any bonding process such as
welding or glue."
[Yes, it's been discovered that they used special Magic
French Fairy Wands that spray Elmer's Bicycle Glue.-N.S.]
Basically they were press fit together. When Peugeot
decided to pull out of the American market they recalled
all of the Comete/Galaxie bikes to clear themselves of
any future possible litigation. (they were worried about
future lawsuits) I asked if there were any frame
failures which helped lead to this decision and was told
'no'. Do you think they'd actually say 'yes'? I worked
at the dealer thast handled the nationwide recall. We
literally sawed some of the frames in half..."
".....Heres my recolection of the Comete/Galaxie issue. The frames
tubes, seat, top, down and all 4 stays were joined to the lugs
without a bonding agent or without welds. Peugeot called it the 'Pechiney'
process. Quote form the catalogue "The assembly of the frame is
performed with a special, patented technique that fits the tubes
into the lugs without the use of any bonding process such as welding
or glue."
[Yes, it's been discovered that they used special Magic French Fairy
Wands that spray Elmer's Bicycle Glue.-N.S.]
Basically they were press fit together. When Peugeot decided to pull
out of the American market they recalled all of the Comete/Galaxie
bikes to clear themselves of any future possible litigation. (they
were worried about future lawsuits) I asked if there were any frame
failures which helped lead to this decision and was told 'no'. Do
you think they'd actually say 'yes'? I worked at the dealer thast
handled the nationwide recall. We literally sawed some of the frames
in half..." END QUOTE.
Well now--- THAT'S INTERESTING! "my recollection..." yet, he then
offers "Quote form the catalogue.."
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I guess he's recalling from way back when he
put back down on the table the catalog he's quoting from. Or maybe
he still has the catalogue
Uh huh. Makes about as much sense as a "Quote FORM the catalogue"
Is that like CATATONIC? hahah. But seriously, okay, maybe he saves
25 year old Peugeot sales materials, and this is what he REMEMBERS
Does this Bicycling Expert who handled the NATIONAL recall (so he
CAN ANYONE? Haven't seen it.
Look, you've got about 20 billion WWW sources possible. You would
think there would be SOMETHING.
There isn't. Gee.
Anyway, Here's what you do if you are particularly paranoid or
You take out an INSURANCE POLICY on somebody you want to get rid of,
give them the bike, and then collect on the policy after they take
this bike on the Tour de France.
Or you insure yourself, name the beneficiary of your choice, and
take a trip down Independence Pass on New Years Day, and die knowing
that you've left something for people to remember you by.
The buyer of this bike assumes ALL LIABILITY
for their health after purchase, and the seller assumes none. And
you will have to put it in writing.
ALL original SHIMANO including crank, brakes, dérailleurs.
Extremely light, paint is very good, decals need a little touch up
here and there nothing serious, all Shimano 105, straight rims.
The frame shows absolutely no sign of catastrophic failure, falling
apart, being loose, in fact-- I WOULD RIDE THIS BIKE MYSELF if I was
tall enough. Yea, though I walk through the Valley of MASI, I fear
no evil.
Are you a smoker? Has your house been tested and mitigated for
RADON? Are you overweight?
Your chances of DEATH from these activities is probably a hundred
times greater than dying on this bike. But if you like to gamble--
hey, give it a shot-- put some EXCITEMENT into your life. Live a
LITTLE. Be different.
Or, you can ride a TREK.
Good for any rider 5'8" or taller, 57cm (22.5") down tube (seat/down
tube--axle to top of top tube length)
What a great gift this would make for your boss or lazy husband or
any sado masochist.
"The human brain has infinite potential"- Sir John Eccles.
"Unfortunately, most people don't come close to approaching it."-
T.D.A. Lingo

Incidentally, yes, the toy piano is a Schoenhut, given to me by a
flute student whom I taught for 12 years.
Note: In all seriousness, the bike has many miles on it per virtue
of this latest set of tires alone at least--- and the frame is as
solid as can be. If one knows the history of lugged aluminum bikes,
they don't simply INSTANTLY fall apart, but the tubes MAY come loose
under heavy and long strenuous use such as competition, and then the
bike is not usable. As in anything, like flying airplanes, driving
your Ford Fairlane, or even driving fragile potentially lethal Lotus
cars on the Interstate (like I do) you INSPECT the vehicle for
problems regularly, and if there is a sign of a problem, you address
it. You don't fly an airplane with a wing that is coming loose, and
you don't drive your Lotus with a loose steering wheel. In this
case, sawing this bike in half would made about as much sense as
taking my Lotus Elan to the junkyard as a precautionary measure
because Jim Clark died racing a Lotus at Hockenheimring.
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