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As you walk the trail up to the brain lab you pass through incredibly beautiful natural aspen and pine forest. The only sounds you hear are the birds and the rustle of the leaves. The sunlight filters through the trees, and you are presented with a changing kaleidoscope of color and images as you go up the mountain.
The path is rather steep, but it is so nice and peaceful you don't mind taking your time to rest. You sit down for a moment on the edge of a cool granite boulder. After about a ten minute hike up the mountain you come to a clearing in the woods. To the left is a log cabin with a cast iron bell on the roof. You walk over, and go down three steps made out of stone and read the bulletin board next to a weathered wooden door. It says: "Ring the bell 15 times and I'll come down to meet you. I'm up the hill chopping wood, and it'll take a minute to come down.- T.D." You grap the frayed rope attached to the bell and pull. At first it's stuck, but a harder pull, and suddently the mountain quiet is shattered by the loud CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! of your furious ringing. You walk up the steps again to wait, and look around. About 500 yards away stands an enormous straight-up slick cliff of granite rock, perhaps 300 feet into the air. Behind you down the hill is a small rocky vegetable garden, and below that another smaller log cabin. You spot a red, hand water pump with a tin cup hanging on the handle, and you go over and pump some water for a drink. You're pretty thirsty after that hike up... The first water that sloshes out of the nozzle is a bit rusty but in a few seconds, it comes out clear, cool, and refreshing. Ahhh! No clorine or chemicals, YUM! Hey! Here comes somebody from up above where the trail continues up. It's the friendly ghost of T.D. LINGO! "Greetings fellow Brain Explorer! Welcome!(LISTEN to LINGO: Brain Lab Talk excerpt) "Did you remember to turn out your car lights back at the road?...This place gives your brain a chance to breath here, doesn't it? Now you can learn what went on here via your computer, and what we learned after 35 years of scientific breakthrough research. Your own brain is the most magnificent machine in the universe. We'll show you how to get it running perfectly, and have nothing but fun doing it..... Just wait until you pop your frontal lobes ............I told you there would be a BRAIN REVOLUTION!" "How did I get here, you ask? Let me tell you.... Brain Lab History." "Next, you'll want to Find Your Amygdala Here You'll be learning all about this IMPORTANT Part of the brain soon." "My friend Neil will guide you towards learning how to self-control your own Frontal Lobes advanced neurocircuits via his writings The FRONTAL LOBES SUPERCHARGE. He will help you get started on your own personal BRAIN ADVENTURE." "Neil has copies of all my research reports and manuscripts. Would you like to read something interesting?... A couple of my scientific (with a tad bit of humor added mind you, we're informal here) research reports are at The Library From Another Dimension. "How about some (en) LIGHT(ening) reading? Here's some Easy Brain Facts" Hey! don't forget this! It's what this is all about! Easy Amygdala Demonstration #1." I tell ya, nothing beats living high up in the wilderness. Fresh clean air, the wonderful silence, the trees...ah! You can hear yourself think- or not think if you choose. Hundreds and hundreds of people from all walks of life have come up here to over the years. We've all learned so much, I can't wait for you to start benefiting from all the information- and the shortcuts we figured out. We took scientific data from other research labs and scientists from all over the world, and combined it with real practical living experience with hundreds of test subjects. We learned what works- and even better- what doesn't work, so you don't have to waste your time. You've got quite an adventure ahead of you now. Make sure you visit all of this here web site, there's a ton of free useful information for you to start on till you get your books. * * * TO FIND THE BRAINLAB on a 3D Map 1) Download GOOGLE EARTH and Install on your computer 2) Download this Google Earth file Brain Lab Map (right click and "save link as" or "save target as") 3) Open the file on your computer (It should open Google Earth) You can zoom in, see the trails, see where all the original buildings stood. Bear in mind, this satellite photo map picture was taken after 2005, so the lab property had some new roads, and all of the aspen trees do not appear because of the nature of the mapping- yes, they are still all there as in the photos on this page. For more photos of the brain lab go to Original Brain Lab Photo Tour and Brain Lab Photos 2004 and Brain Lab Photos 2006 You can manipulate the Google Earth map in many ways, both in angle (to show 3D) and other ways by clicking on the upper right hand portion of the screen
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If you want to get your own Brain Books, go here Brain Music Store (bottom of page). You know, when you turn on the other 90% of your brain, life becomes a big fun game with the universe. So you also might want to check this some time- Have Fun! (Anti-Rules For Life Learning and Everything Else). " "Well, I've got to be going...got to polish my guitar in that big log cabin in the sky! (singing) So long, it's been good to know ya..so long...." |