PAINTING QUICK TIPS | The $50 Dollar Paint Job MYTH | Why You Should Paint Your Own Car | Real Feedback Comments |
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PREVIEW Fimished Surface VIDEO #1 Windows Media Player
Introduction VIDEO #2
Media Player
Contains: 1) 80-Page Printable and Computer Viewable Illustrated Online eBook Manual 2) 62 Minutes of Windows Media Video Demonstration Clips 3) 12 Detailed Still Photo Images of Finished Demonstration Surfaces Complete~! This is the absolute totally Affordable COMPLETE Guide to Painting Your Car, Truck, Boat, Motorcycle, Bicycle or anything else. Includes body surface repair of dents, rust, and holes for metal or fiberglass. Learn to paint indoors, outdoors, any time of year, with a minimum of expense and equipment- for SUPERIOR results.
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NEW: "The Paint Your Car For $50 Paint Job Myth"
Paint your car for $50 fifty dollars? Is this possible? REALLY paint a car for $50 fifty bucks?
First let me say I admire anyone who decides to paint their own car themselves no matter how you do it. If you brush it on, roller it on, or dip your car in a giant vat of finger paint- you are to be congratulated. So, I am putting down no one regardless of the method they use. But this is my opinion on the subject, and I think all people would paint for a living would agree...
First of all- You can properly spray your car, as shown on this web site and on the DVD and online download- for not much more than $50 dollars to begin with. Here's how-
1) Paint the car the same or similar color.
2) Borrow an HVLP gun and compressor.
3) Buy the paint. Your cost? $31 for a quart of great quality single stage urethane paint. $13 for activator (hardener) $10 for reducer (thinner). Okay guys, get out your calculator. Uh, $55. If you decide to do a radically different color, you may need a little more paint.
4) Do it in a parking lot or your driveway, a car port, or your garage. Yes it can easily be done this way, in any of these places as I demonstrate.
5) Spend a FRACTION of the time with this method. Paint the whole car, 3-5 coats in less than 75 minutes. Better results, Better paint. No sanding and polishing necessary. Incredible gloss, shine, and smoothness (see Good HVLP Technique) and detailed photos start here: Honda Hood
Below: My own 1986 Honda Civic HVLP low cost painted car (under $65 for paint), painted in a simple outside carport in 70 minutes, body repair done in one day previous, NO PAINT SANDING necessary:
If you don't have an HVLP gun or compressor, you can rent one for not much, buy one at a garage sale, or frankly, just ask around until you do find one you can borrow-- this is going to take far less time than following the method of "Amazing $50 Paint Job" craze that is sweeping the internet.
The current craze for the Wondrous Miracle $50 Paint Job is to use a paint like Rustoleum, thin it down like mad, and put on from 6-10 coats and sand and polish and sand and polish till the cows come home. Way way WAYYYYYYY more work, and inferior paint durability.
Let's examine this fad more closely...
The other day someone forwarded a link to a page claiming a "Paint Your Car for $50" paint job, and I'm happy to share it with you
What the page doesn't tell you is the WHOLE STORY which can be found here
I think if this was really a practical and easy method it would already be very well known, but the fact is, it has some inherent problems. It harkens back to the days of applying lacquer and spending your precious youth (or old age) sanding and polishing. At least lacquer is good and durable paint.
Yes, you can also grow all the food you eat for pennies, if you have all the time and energy in the world. But, I for one, do not.
I once did indeed paint my Datsun station wagon with blue rolled on tractor high gloss enamel.
It did NOT look like either like the Corvair (keep reading) or my Lotus, or even my Honda.
To summarize, here are the problems-
1) The paint must be EXTREMELY thinned down in order to dry within a day to sand. Rustoleum (or similar) will NOT dry sufficiently without thinning for a VERY extended period of time, weeks and weeks. Anyone who has every tried to sand enamel out of the can will know that for the most part it is impossible.
2) Thinned paint applied with a brush will likely (almost certainly) run and drip on vertical surfaces. Oops! Sorry, I thought you cared about that. Never mind.
3) Many coats are required with 6-8 hours drying time between each coat. In the project above, the painter used 6 coats--- that's three days -- not counting the SANDING and SANDING and SANDING. And rolling paint on a car SIX TIMES. Many people report having to put on 8 to 10 coats before the color actually finally covers the car sufficiently. Let's see, two coats a day, for 10 coats, that's five days..........I quote from the page itself:
"...Six coats was very complete coverage, with plenty of paint thickness to wet sand out any orange peel. Shot of the hood, sanded smooth. Other have reported applying 7, 8, sometimes 10 coats before complete coverage...."
Now, when you spray on urethane, unless you are going for a hand rubbed finish, you don't have to sand at all. This is how most factories do it-- spray paint applied correctly does not need sanding. You can do this, but it adds significant labor-- for example, I did this on my LOTUS. My arms went numb, and it looked amazing. But I did not do this on my HONDA. You decide. With roll on Rustoleum, you will have to Sand.
And Sand
And Sand
And Sand
And Polish
And Polish
And Polish
And Sand
Get the picture?
If you do two stage painting as I illustrate, (separate color then cover with clear) Urethane color covers in 3 coats absolutely. Period. It will ALL be totally dry in an hour. You then put on the clear coats. They will also be dry in an hour. In two hours you have an EXTREMELY shiny car with tough as nails, the best paint you can buy, and it doesn't cost much.
If you use single stage urethane (color and shine combined in one formula), depending on the existing color, you may need more than 3 coats, if its the same color, that should do it.
No sanding.
What is your time worth?
Welcome! to
To Easy Paint Your Car
How To Paint A Car, Motorcycle, Truck, Bike, or Anything Else- All Levels
Free Information Below
and Great Online Download and DVD Materials for YOU!
Above, author Neil Slade
YOU Can Paint Your Own Car
Do A Great Professional Quality Job
Save A Ton of Money
And Enjoy It!
How To Paint Your Car- Fun!
First of all let me say I am delighted that this page has proven so popular, and that it has been the #1 page on Yahoo and Google (when it WORKS) for the search "HOW TO PAINT A CAR" and similar searches for several years now. (I recommend the Yahoo search engine these days).
This is a web page built by a painter, a PERSON WHO PAINTS, not just another commercial internet advertising platform. Whew!! You will find how to paint your car advice that IS actually good advice that works. Congratulations for finding a REAL web page on painting! |
The page has LOTS of unsolicited testimonials to show what people like you are getting from this page and my materials-- so you know this is REAL, and really USEFUL info on how to paint your car.
There have been literally dozens, perhaps hundred of How To Paint Your Car web sites that have sprung up since I first published this page in 2003. Unfortunately for the budding person interested in learning how to paint your car, many of these sites are poorly done, some impressive looking ones contain obvious mistakes , others leave out things "till next month" (!) and the worst thing, is virtually most pages showing up near the top of search engines are primarily commercial advertising platforms.
You won't have to suffer through the same bad advice I was subject to when I first started. Congratulations! If you find it helpful, then you can get further inexpensive and totally affordable online instant download information and/or the DVD. I help you, you help me survive, and I keep improving this page and materials. Human to human here, :-)
Make sure and read my additional notes at the bottom.
You can end up with a far better paint job than your local cheap OR expensive outside service. Why? Because you may care more than the actual guy working on your car for $12.50 an hour.
Above all, have fun, and enjoy your finished paint job~!
We have now created a very practical and foolproof 80 page illustrated manual (color photo version download), 62 minute online video download, and/or DVD/CD that you may purchase and keep with you out in the garage and watch on your computer and/or DVD player - so please consider picking one of these up. These will be priceless for guiding and helping you. (I keep the price inexpensive, because these days, everyone is eager to save a little money where ever they can.) So, enjoy!
"Jan" <> To: <> Subject: Wow! Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 21:33:55
Hi Neil,
My name is Jan and I live in South
After a lengthy argument with no progress and a
lack of interest, I decided that I would learn
to re-spray my own car. (Have no insurance).
Scrolling through endless web pages, (my own
fault, searched: spray painting a car, without
the space) I came
across your site, read through it and looked at
the two videos. Man what a relief!
I didn’t know that there were still people out
there that actually cared about delivering an
excellent service.
You have inspired me. Thank you.
With a new fire I’m tackling this car of mine!
God bless you!
J. Davel |
Free information
below on this page... :-)
Also of great interest:
THINK and INK Our New Brain Inkjet Ink Tests--
The reason I learned how to do car painting is
because I owned a rare collector car that would have cost me
$3000-$4000 minimum to have the body work and paint done-
and it needed it. AND, I could not afford this. So, I contacted one of my friends, perhaps
the best expert on fiberglass repair and body painting anywhere,
Mr. Vic Cooper in Denver. He regularly repairs and repaints the
most expensive, the most exotic passenger and race cars, from
Lotuses to Lambos to hot rods. He taught me how to do this over
a long period of time. Since I am a writer and film maker (and
he and other experts I knew are not), I translated everything I
learned from him into a form that people could easily learn from
right off the web. I further got regular advice from an
exceptionally good paint shop in Denver that specializes in
automotive refinishing. I spent months learning what works, and what
doesn't work- and when I was done I had done my first car, my
white Lotus that you see on the book cover. It turned out
perfectly. And the method I used can be applied to any vehicle,
fancy or plain, big or small, boat or car, truck, bike, or
There are tons of BAD books and DVDs that look
good on the surface, but in practical use were complicated and
had stuff in there that was unnecessary. I wanted to make
material available that WORKED as advertised, and was not overly
complicated or poorly written. You may find yourself in a similar position
looking at painting your vehicle- but without having done this
previously, or have done it making many mistakes and not having
things turn out so good. You may not know anyone who knows how
to do this, or has the time to show you. I will show you, because it is my business
teaching people- and I've been a teacher for 35 years. If you decide it is best to paint your car
yourself, you will need a spray gun, a compressor, the paint,
some miscellaneous small tools, sandpaper, and a certain amount
of patience. You can do it in a car port, garage, paint booth,
or even in your driveway- you decide what is best for you. You can borrow or rent the gun and compressor
and save money that way, and pay about $100 for the paint and
sandpaper, and if you read the instructions you can come up with
a decent paint job on most cars. You will also need odds and
ends which you may or may not have, light solvents, gloves, an
air respirator, and other small items necessary for painting. Or, you can spend about $250 on the gun and
compressor, own it permanently and do lots of things with it for
the rest of your life- like paint your house, air clean stuff,
run other tools with it, etc. If you have a special car or a collector car,
plan on spending a lot of time sanding and re-sanding, and fine
sanding, and polishing, and correcting your mistakes, and doing
body work. If you don't have an extra $3000 sitting
around, this may be your only choice- AND you can do it, and
come up with an absolutely gorgeous job. I will show you how,
and my methods come from THE BEST EXPERTS possible. If you just have an old car and would rather
do it yourself than spend $300 or $400 at the budget shops for a
mediocre job that they will do, you can do it quickly and end up
with a finish as good if not better than such shops, and spend a
minimum amount of time doing it- although you will still need
the materials and equipment you don't already own, and a place
to do it. You can get the download or DVD (it is dirt
cheap), or just read through the basics on this page and
get a good idea of what you will need to do. decide. No bull here. The best
painting adventure to you!
Save 75% $$
just by using your brain
Easy How To Paint
Your Car
Universal DVD Hard Copy
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1) 80 page Color Illustrated Easy How To Paint Your Car Manual on DVD (both Word and PDF printable)
2) Broadcast High Resolution 62 minute Video DVD playable on any computer or TV/DVD player
3) Detailed Still Photos of Demonstration project
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To: Brandon |
How to Paint Your Car, Truck, Motorcycle, Bicycle, or Anything Else! Made Easy, With Beautiful and Expert Results
Check out this!! Neil does his LOTUS ELAN
THE REAL POOP ON PAINTING YOUR CAR The reason I learned how to do car painting is because I owned a rare collector car that would have cost me $3000-$4000 minimum to have the body work and paint done- and it needed it. AND, I could not afford this. So, I contacted one of my friends, perhaps the best expert on fiberglass repair and body painting anywhere, Mr. Vic Cooper in Denver. He regularly repairs and repaints the most expensive, the most exotic passenger and race cars, from Lotuses to Lambos to hot rods. He taught me how to do this over a long period of time. Since I am a writer and film maker (and he and other experts I knew are not), I translated everything I learned from him into a form that people could easily learn from right off the web. I further got regular advice from an exceptionally good paint shop in Denver that specializes in automotive refinishing. I spent months learning what works, and what doesn't work- and when I was done I had done my first car, my white Lotus that you see on the book cover. It turned out perfectly. And the method I used can be applied to any vehicle, fancy or plain, big or small, boat or car, truck, bike, or motorcycle.
There are tons of BAD books and DVDs that look good on the surface, but in practical use were complicated and had stuff in there that was unnecessary. I wanted to make material available that WORKED as advertised, and was not overly complicated or poorly written. You may find yourself in a similar position looking at painting your vehicle- but without having done this previously, or have done it making many mistakes and not having things turn out so good. You may not know anyone who knows how to do this, or has the time to show you. I will show you, because it is my business teaching people- and I've been a teacher for 35 years.
If you decide it is best to paint your car yourself, you will need a spray gun, a compressor, the paint, some miscellaneous small tools, sandpaper, and a certain amount of patience. You can do it in a car port, garage, paint booth, or even in your driveway- you decide what is best for you. You can borrow or rent the gun and compressor and save money that way, and pay about $100 for the paint and sandpaper, and if you read the instructions you can come up with a decent paint job on most cars. You will also need odds and ends which you may or may not have, light solvents, gloves, an air respirator, and other small items necessary for painting. Or, you can spend about $250 on the gun and compressor, own it permanently and do lots of things with it for the rest of your life- like paint your house, air clean stuff, run other tools with it, etc. If you have a special car or a collector car, plan on spending a lot of time sanding and re-sanding, and fine sanding, and polishing, and correcting your mistakes, and doing body work. If you don't have an extra $3000 sitting around, this may be your only choice- AND you can do it, and come up with an absolutely gorgeous job. I will show you how, and my methods come from THE BEST EXPERTS possible. If you just have an old car and would rather do it yourself than spend $300 or $400 at the budget shops for a mediocre job that they will do, you can do it quickly and end up with a finish as good if not better than such shops, and spend a minimum amount of time doing it- although you will still need the materials and equipment you don't already own, and a place to do it. You can get the download or DVD (it is dirt cheap), or just read through the basics on this page and get a good idea of what you will need to do. decide. No bull here. The best painting adventure to you! |
Learn to paint ANYTHING Professional Quality
Highly EXPANDED INSTRUCTIONS INSTANT DOWNLOAD eBOOK and VIDEO Streaming and Download Right off the Web (hard physical mailed copies also available)
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PREVIEW Fimished Surface VIDEO #1 Windows Media Player
Introduction VIDEO #2
Media Player
Contains: 1) 80-Page Printable and Computer Viewable Illustrated Online eBook Manual 2) 62 Minutes of Windows Media Video Demonstration Clips 3) 12 Detailed Still Photo Images of Finished Demonstration Surfaces Complete~! This is the absolute totally Affordable COMPLETE Guide to Painting Your Car, Truck, Boat, Motorcycle, Bicycle or anything else. Includes body surface repair of dents, rust, and holes for metal or fiberglass. Learn to paint indoors, outdoors, any time of year, with a minimum of expense and equipment- for SUPERIOR results.
Instant download 24 hours a day Absolutely Secure and Safe 128 Bit Encrypted ONLINE ORDERING
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